
Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Summer Break Extended

Hello there folks! I really hope that those of you living in the northern hemisphere are all enjoying your summer. For those of you in the southern hemisphere, I hope your winter isn't too brutal.

I'm popping in today to let you all know that we have decided to extend our summer break to now also include August. Sadly, I find myself buried deep under a pile of work that the negative side of me fears I may never get out from under. However, the positive side of me keeps pushing that it is only a matter of time and somehow I'll break through! Couple that with the fact that it is still summer time here in North America and that many of our players are out of the house and enjoying the warmer weather, we decided that it would be best to take August off as well.

I truly hope that you will all continue to support us when we get back. We have a special three month long theme planned and I hope that you will all enjoy something a bit different.

Take care everyone, stay walking on your own Path of Positivity if you can and we'll see you all again real soon.