
Sunday, July 05, 2015

Design Team Changes

Hello everyone.  I hope that your Path this week has been a positive one. Tonight I am popping in to share with you some changes that are happening to our Design Team.

First off, we are sadly saying goodbye to two incredible designers:  Vicky, from Crafting Vicky, who has been by my side since the inception of the Path of Positivity and Penny, from 9 Hawks and a Dragonfly, who joined us last November.  Both of these ladies have decided that it is time to move on to new adventures in their lives.  Each of these women has brought something incredibly special to the team and I consider myself very blessed to have had them both.  Each of their positive attitudes and wonderful design abilities will certainly be missed around here! 

Thankfully, fate has stepped in and brought a new person to our doorstep as Julie O. from Muddy Paws & Inky Fingers will be joining us.  I have been trying to woo her for the last year and as luck would have it, her schedule cleared enough to allow her to finally join us.  I'm so very pleased to have this wonderful woman join us.  Her positive attitude and beautiful design skills will be a definite asset to the team.  Let's get to know her a bit, shall we?
My name is Julie Odil, and I am thrilled to be designing for the Path of Positivity Challenge blog.  What an honor!  I just love this challenge blog and the philosophy behind it and it brings me great joy to be here!
I’ve always been creative – I play many instruments, like to write, and have been crafty my whole life.  I began scrapbooking about 8 years ago and cardmaking about 4 years ago, but things really took off when I began my blog about 2 1/2 years ago.  It was a life changing experience.  I can’t believe how much fun I’ve had and how many friends I’ve made through my blog. I’d love it if you’d stop by for a visit!
Please join me in wishing Vicky and Penny the best as each of these wonderful ladies continues down a new path in life.  I also hope that you will join me in welcoming Julie to the team. You will get to see one of Julie's wonderful creations tomorrow as she officially comes on board for our next challenge which begins Monday evening.  To visit Julie beforehand, just click on her blog badge or name above.  Please note that Julie was unfortunately the recent victim of a hacker.  As she was unsure that she'd gain access to her old blog, she started a new one.  The links above head to the new blog.  However, she has managed to finally gain access to the old blog and will be trying to transition back over there.  So, just in case you want to start following Julie, be sure to sign up over on her old blog which you can find by clicking HERE.

Please join us again tomorrow to find out the theme for our newest challenge.

May your days be filled with adventure and insight as you travel down life's path!


Thank you so much for coming by. I hope that you leave with your spirits just a little bit more lifted than when you arrived. Your comments always make my day. ☺Lisa

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