
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Design Team Delights for Challenge #14

It is time for my Design Team to share their favourite entries for Challenge #14.  As always, in each challenge you, the readers, get to voice your opinion by voting for your favourite and so it is only fitting that my Design Team get to do so as well.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to join along our Path during the month of May for Challenge #14.  While it is always a difficult decision, each team member managed to find a particular entry that really caught their attention.  Take a look... 
Susan--chosen by Desíre and Pat...
Here is what Desíre had to say:
"Susan Kennedy is my DT Delight as this is what Susan emphasized and I totally agree":
"The More That You Read, The More Things You Will Know. The More That You Learn, The More Places You'll Go." -- Dr. Suess."
This is what Pat had to say:
"I'm a sucker for bookmarks, and hers are darling!"  Pat also loved the same line quoted above that Desíre did.

To see the details of Susan's creations and read more of what she had to say, click HERE.
Edwina--chosen by Suze, Vicky and Sandy...
Vicky had this to say:
"My DT delight would be Edwina Brown. I just love what she wrote":
"Wisdom  is found in many things.  Not just in books.  Yet the wisdom in books is only wisdom if it is applied and used for the good of all.  Wisdom is also common sense.  Without it you cannot act wisely. We all want wisdom.  I seek to learn new things.  Life has it to teach us every day.  Wisdom can be learned in the smallest things as well as in the biggest.  Only those seeking wisdom really receive it."
"And the sentiment she used on her creation was just perfect for this image."

Suze had this to say:
"My vote is for Edwina. I think she summed up everything in the paragraph outlined above.  I love the image too - reminds me of most of my family!"

Sandy said this:
"I love the boldness of the card and the sentiment is perfect...Also, her words (quoted above) convey so much."

  To see the details of Edwina's creations and read more of what she had to say, click HERE.
Deanne--chosen by Monica...
Here is what Monica had to say:
"For my DT delight, I choose Deanne. I love the image and overall design of her card, but especially love her words of wisdom":
"Whatever you are be a good one".
To see the details of Deanne's card, click HERE.
K8--chosen by Lynda...
Lynda had this to say:
"I'm going with K8's Scrapcorner.  The Dave Winbaum quote, “The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings”, used on her project is fabulous.  Her focus on the quote and use of the  vintage brown and gold allow the focus to remain on the message of the card."

 To see the details of K8's creation, click HERE.
Zella--chosen by Lisa (that's me)...
Zella left an awesome comment about her project on the Challenge #14 post.  She chose to honour her father and this is how she tied it into the theme of wisdom:
"...Thanks for a great challenge - a time to reflect - for me - about my dad. What a wise man! I am blessed to have been his daughter and honored that he chose me to be his own (I was adopted). He didn't have lots of letters after his name(degrees), but he taught me about being "human" - about caring for people, about God, about family, about working hard, and about what is important in this life. I am truly blessed because even though he passed away in 1991, he continues to influence me every day of my life - he was a wonderful father and a great man of God. Thanks for allowing me to participate in this challenge...and to reflect on what wisdom really means."
It was really nice to see that Zella chose the time to reflect on the wisdom that her father left her with.  Wisdom comes in so many forms and it is nice to see the kinds of wisdom that he imparted unto his daughter.

To see the details of Zella's card, click HERE.

 Creative Congratulations to all of you!

Thank you to everyone who played on our Pathway during the month of May.  As always we greatly appreciate you sharing your incredible talents with us.  Now if you were chosen as a DT Delight, you are eligible for a special DT Delight badge.  Additionally, if I can pull it off, I'm finally going to have the draw for all the past recipients in the DT Delight category next Sunday!  Remember, if you are chosen as a DT Delight during any of our challenges, your name will be entered into a draw.  You get one entry per choice; so, if two members picked your card, you will earn 2 entries, three members 3 entries, etc.  The winner at the time will be notified by email.  In the interim you are more than welcome to copy your framed card above and add it to your blog to share with all your readers; and, don't forget to email me at popwinners {at} gmail {dot} com (be sure to replace at and dot with the appropriate symbols) or by clicking HERE to bring the address up in your email program, for a copy of the special Challenge #14 DT Delight Badge.  I'm always running a bit behind these days, so your patience is appreciated.

Thank you for stopping by today.  I hope to back next Sunday with the special DT Delight Draw and then,  Monday, July 7th will see the start of Challenge #16.  We hope that you will join us then to learn what the newest theme will be.

Monday, June 23, 2014

The People Have Spoken: Winners From Challenge #14

It is time to announce the winners from Challenge #14.  For the second time in the history of this challenge blog, the same person has been chosen by both the people and the Design Team. So, without further ado, here are the choices...

Drum roll, please....BBBbbbrrrrrrrrr pish

The people have spoken and their choice for Challenge #14 is....
Gloria, you have won your choice of ten images from Creative Bug Digital Stamps.
Gloria, you will also be getting a cool and awe inspiring personalized badge for your blog as the Voter's Choice for Challenge #14.
In the category of Most Inspiring, our winner is also...
So Gloria, that means that you have also won your choice of three images from Ike's Art.
Gloria, you will also be getting a lovely, one of a kind personalized badge for your blog as the Most Inspiring choice for Challenge #14.
The Random Winner for this challenge (chosen by, based on all eligible participants is:
Zella, you have won your choice of three images from Digistamps4Joy, our guest sponsor during Challenge #14.
Zella, you will also be getting a neat and unique personalized badge for your blog as the Random Winner for Challenge #14.
We also have a prize available for a random voter who left a comment.

 The random winner for this challenge (chosen by Mini Web Tool), based on all eligible participants is:

Edwina with her comment:
I looked at each post. all the creations are beautiful. I believe that Susan K's says wisdom best. Not only in words, but in the images used.
Edwina, you have won a selection of digital designer papers from Décosse's Dynamite Doodles.

Big Congrats to...

Gloria, Zella & Edwina

Please click HERE to send us an email with the subject, "WINNER PoP Challenge #14" to make arrangements to receive your prize and badge (where applicable).  Please note that it may take me a few days to get back to you.  Thank you for your patience. 
All entrant's in Challenge #14 are entitled to a special digital sentiment based on the theme for the upcoming challenge.  So, if you were one of the individuals who entered Challenge #14 and would like to receive a free sentiment based on the theme for Challenge #16, which starts Monday, July 7th, please click HERE to send us an email with the subject line, "PoP#14 Entrant Quote Request for #16".
You still have two weeks left to enter into this month's challenge on HAPPINESS.  Click HERE for details.  If you haven't linked up already, I hope that you will consider coming over to play with us.  As always, we'd love to have you join our Path!
Don't forget to join us this coming Sunday for our DT Delights post.  Until then, 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Challenge #15--Midway Reflection & Voting Reminder

Hello everyone! We have reached the midway point of Challenge #15. The theme for this challenge is all about HAPPINESS. Today I am going to share a little introspection with you all that I am also presenting on my own personal blog in my "Motivational Monday" feature.

"Clap along if you know what happiness is to you"

What makes you happy?  Do you have it figured out or is it something that shifts with the times?  Or, is happiness still one of those elusive feelings for you?  There is a catchy tune out on the airwaves right now called "Happy" by Pharell Williams.  It keeps getting stuck in my head and rightly so.  The song just makes me happy!  This song makes me want to snap my fingers and sway to the music.  Wouldn't it be great if you could just snap your fingers and instantly be happy?  For some individuals, being happy doesn't come easy.  Whether it is the by product of mental illness or just having to live through difficult times in general, there are many people who aren't happy in their lives.  Now while the pursuit of happiness can be a difficult journey, there are things that you can do right now to feel happier. 

Raise Your Activity Level

Most of us hate it but studies have proven that exercise has a remarkable effect on our happiness and can indeed help to lift the effects of depression (to read more about one study in particular, click HERE).  However, you don't have to be depressed to benefit from exercise.  The fact alone that it can help one to de-stress and relax are definite steps to feeling happier.  So get up right now and move a little bit. Actually, there are many simple exercises you can do right at your desk, if you are unable to get up.  A little activity goes a long way and helps you to focus on your body and get out of your head allowing you to re-centre yourself and bring on the good cheer.  So, it is time to get those muscles moving.  How about doing your happy dance?  That is sure to do the trick!


Put a big old grin on your face and within moments you'll feel happier.  If you aren't in the mood for smiling right now, then it is even more important that you do so.  The physical act of smiling can cause Serotonin levels in your brain to increase.  The chemical Serotonin is responsible for helping to increase our mood and also help to improve our quality of sleep.  Of course, it is even more important to back up that smile with some positive thoughts.  For example, think about a happy memory or about an upcoming event that is sure to bring a smile to your face.  Get those facial muscles moving and help create a happy dance in your brain.

Practice the Art of Gratitude

I've talked about how important being thankful is in past posts but did you know that practising gratitude can help make you happier and healthier?  The key is to express how thankful you are as often as you are able to in as many ways that you can think of.  Simple ways can include keeping a journal listing things that you are grateful for each day, sharing these items with someone special, saying thank you every opportunity you get.  These are just a few ideas to start.  The key is to find a way that works for you.  While it is a simple strategy, it is an effective one.  There was a study that showed people who made note of the things that they were grateful for on a daily basis, were much happier after doing this simple activity.  The results of another study indicated that writing thank you letters increased the happiness and life satisfaction levels of the participants while simultaneously decreasing symptoms of depression.  So, if you want to be happier, improve your relationships with others, and feel better all around, start being more grateful.  You'll be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Think of Someone You Love

An almost instant way to feel happier is to think about someone you love.  Revel in the memories that you have created with this person or fantasize about ones yet to come and you are sure to get a boost of happy chemicals swimming through your brain.

Spend Time with Family and Friends

An even better way to feel happy is to actually find more time to be with those you love. Social time with family and friends is very important for helping to improve our happiness, even for introverts like myself.  Many studies have shown that the time we spend with friends and family makes a huge difference to how happy we feel in general.  The biggest regrets that people have when facing the end of their life is that they did not spend as much time as they should have with their loved ones.  Don't be one of those people.  Reach out and connect to someone you love today.

Reach Out a Helping Hand

Did you know, that according to research, spending just 100 hours per year (or merely two hours a week) helping or giving to others can greatly enrich our lives?  Whether it is spending money or time on someone other than ourselves, giving benefits the happy centres of our brains.  Even reaching out and helping someone work through a problem or offering them a solution to a current predicament can make us feel better.  Making someone else happy can make yourself happy; so be sure to put helping others on the top of your list, if happiness is your goal.

Of course there are tons more ideas for you to try to boost your happiness in life.  These are just a few simple ones to get you started.  For even more ideas you can check out the references listed below or for some really quick ideas check out, "45 Things You Can Do to Get Happy No Matter Where You Are" by clicking HERE.  Then, if you are willing to spend a little bit more effort on achieving your goal of happiness, be sure to check out, "20 Hard Things You Need to Do to Be Happy" by clicking HERE.  Once you figure you out the right combination of activities that can help you to be a happier individual, I hope to see you right there next to me, clapping along to the Happy song!

Author Unknown. (2013). 10 Things You Can Do Right Now to Be Happier. Available: Last accessed 14th June 2014.
Barker, Eric . (2014). Happy Thoughts: Here Are the Things Proven To Make You Happier. Available: Last accessed 14th June 2014.
Cooper, Belle Beth . (2013). 10 Simple Things You Can Do Today That Will Make You Happier, Backed By Science. Available: Last accessed 14th June 2014.
Rubin, Gretchen . (2014). 9 Things You Can Do to Be Happy in the Next 30 Minutes. Available: Last accessed 14th June 2014.
To help inspire you down the path of happiness, check out the wonderful projects a few of my Design Team had the opportunity to create...
For Monica's midway project, she has chosen to work with Doxie (also called Minature Daschshund), from Ike's Art.  Isn't this puppy fabulous?!  If you are interested in purchasing it, click on the watermark to head over to its section in Ike's store.  It is currently located within the 'Animals' section.
Lynda has chosen to use Daisy Kitten, from Fresh Brewed Designs.  As I mentioned at the challenge start, if this adorable image doesn't exude a sense of happiness, I don't know what will!  If you are interested in purchasing this cute kitty, click on the watermark to head over to its location in Heather's store.
Pat decided to use Alice, from Ike's Art.  If you are interested in purchasing this cool image, click on the watermark to head over to its section in Ike's store.  It is currently located within the  'People' section.!__digi-people

Vicky has chosen to use Relax, from Fresh Brewed Designs.  This is definitely one of my ideas of happiness.  Now if only my legs could look like that!  If you are interested in purchasing this relaxing image, click on the watermark to head over to its location in Heather's store.

Finally, that leaves our...
Dawn, from Designs By Dragonfly, who is our guest designer this month, created this sweet card...
Dawn chose to use the image called Can't Wait from our second regular sponsor, Creative Bug Digis.  Doesn't she just look sooooo happy?!  If you are interested in purchasing this cute image, click on the watermark to head over to the 'Girls' page in Naomi's store.  She also worked in Daisy Kitten, from Fresh Brewed Designs.  You can find the link to Daisy Kitten a little bit earlier in the post.

Clicking on the team members name (or in the case of our GDT, the blog name) will take you to their blog where you can check out the details for their inspirational creations!
So if you haven't entered already, what are you waiting for?  Create a project and/or post that is positive AND relates to happiness, provide an explanation of how your project and/or post relates to the theme somewhere in your post or come over and leave a comment with the explanation.  Easy, peasy!  You can enter our latest challenge by clicking HERE.

Also, I know that the participants would love for you to go and pay them a visit.  Remember we're creating a Path of Positivity to follow one project at a time and we'd love to see you somewhere on that route even if it is just by leaving a comment on an entry from someone who has touched you somehow with their project and/or post!

If you are new to this unique challenge, you can find out the impetus behind why I started it under the 'Introductions' tab and all the details you need to know in order to participate, in the 'Challenge Details' tab (both tabs located at the top of the blog).

Don't Forget...

You still have until 11:55 p.m. tonight, to vote on your favourite entry for Challenge #14.  Voting is quick, easy and painless so I hope you will consider casting your vote if you haven't already.  Don't forget, if you leave a comment after voting, you have the opportunity to walk away with a selection of digital papers created especially with your interests in mind. To check out all those eligible and cast your vote, click HERE.  Winners for challenge #14 will be posted next Monday.

If you need some additional motivation to help inspire you, I've provided another sentiment on this month's theme (the first is available HERE), free for you to download:

Credit Notes For This Creation:
© 2014, Lisa L. Décosse.  PUO.  However, you are allowed to use the sentiment on handmade projects that you intend to sell on a small scale basis provided credit is given. You also need to include a credit note and a link to this blog should you use any of my images in your creations and post them on your blog. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with my full terms of use found in the 'Download Instructions & T.O.U.' tab at the top of this page.  Of important note:  Please do not share my images with family, friends, etc. Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Box®, 4-Shared®, etc. Instead, please direct people to my blog so they can grab the image for themselves. If you would like to post a watermarked version of the image, please contact me to obtain one. 

This word art creation is in png format and published at 300 ppi. It is quite large in order to accommodate different programs that people work with.   If you are a card maker you can always resize it smaller without distorting the quality.

Font Information:
Click on the font name to take you to a download location.  These fonts were listed as free for commercial use at the time this project was made.and as such, it is my understanding, that I am within my rights to use these fonts in my creations and offer them to others.  Please refer to my full terms of service for what you can and cannot do with this digital creation.

Whether you are new and need to familiarize yourself with all the details,  or a returning participant and just need to refresh yourself, you can always find out everything you need to know in order to enter this challenge in the 'Challenge Details' tab at the top of the page. You can enter the challenge by clicking HERE to take you to the current challenge post where you can also find a quick summary of the details related to this challenge, towards the bottom of the post. 

Please show your support to our fabulous sponsors by going over and checking out their work and saying hi if you have the chance.  In addition to Fresh Brewed Designs, our guest sponsor for the month...
...we also have our regular sponsors:

That is me and I'd love for you to visit me on my personal blog.

If you ever have any questions be sure to EMAIL ME or just leave me a comment.

We look forward to seeing you participate!