
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Design Team Delights for Challenge #14

It is time for my Design Team to share their favourite entries for Challenge #14.  As always, in each challenge you, the readers, get to voice your opinion by voting for your favourite and so it is only fitting that my Design Team get to do so as well.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to join along our Path during the month of May for Challenge #14.  While it is always a difficult decision, each team member managed to find a particular entry that really caught their attention.  Take a look... 
Susan--chosen by Desíre and Pat...
Here is what Desíre had to say:
"Susan Kennedy is my DT Delight as this is what Susan emphasized and I totally agree":
"The More That You Read, The More Things You Will Know. The More That You Learn, The More Places You'll Go." -- Dr. Suess."
This is what Pat had to say:
"I'm a sucker for bookmarks, and hers are darling!"  Pat also loved the same line quoted above that Desíre did.

To see the details of Susan's creations and read more of what she had to say, click HERE.
Edwina--chosen by Suze, Vicky and Sandy...
Vicky had this to say:
"My DT delight would be Edwina Brown. I just love what she wrote":
"Wisdom  is found in many things.  Not just in books.  Yet the wisdom in books is only wisdom if it is applied and used for the good of all.  Wisdom is also common sense.  Without it you cannot act wisely. We all want wisdom.  I seek to learn new things.  Life has it to teach us every day.  Wisdom can be learned in the smallest things as well as in the biggest.  Only those seeking wisdom really receive it."
"And the sentiment she used on her creation was just perfect for this image."

Suze had this to say:
"My vote is for Edwina. I think she summed up everything in the paragraph outlined above.  I love the image too - reminds me of most of my family!"

Sandy said this:
"I love the boldness of the card and the sentiment is perfect...Also, her words (quoted above) convey so much."

  To see the details of Edwina's creations and read more of what she had to say, click HERE.
Deanne--chosen by Monica...
Here is what Monica had to say:
"For my DT delight, I choose Deanne. I love the image and overall design of her card, but especially love her words of wisdom":
"Whatever you are be a good one".
To see the details of Deanne's card, click HERE.
K8--chosen by Lynda...
Lynda had this to say:
"I'm going with K8's Scrapcorner.  The Dave Winbaum quote, “The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings”, used on her project is fabulous.  Her focus on the quote and use of the  vintage brown and gold allow the focus to remain on the message of the card."

 To see the details of K8's creation, click HERE.
Zella--chosen by Lisa (that's me)...
Zella left an awesome comment about her project on the Challenge #14 post.  She chose to honour her father and this is how she tied it into the theme of wisdom:
"...Thanks for a great challenge - a time to reflect - for me - about my dad. What a wise man! I am blessed to have been his daughter and honored that he chose me to be his own (I was adopted). He didn't have lots of letters after his name(degrees), but he taught me about being "human" - about caring for people, about God, about family, about working hard, and about what is important in this life. I am truly blessed because even though he passed away in 1991, he continues to influence me every day of my life - he was a wonderful father and a great man of God. Thanks for allowing me to participate in this challenge...and to reflect on what wisdom really means."
It was really nice to see that Zella chose the time to reflect on the wisdom that her father left her with.  Wisdom comes in so many forms and it is nice to see the kinds of wisdom that he imparted unto his daughter.

To see the details of Zella's card, click HERE.

 Creative Congratulations to all of you!

Thank you to everyone who played on our Pathway during the month of May.  As always we greatly appreciate you sharing your incredible talents with us.  Now if you were chosen as a DT Delight, you are eligible for a special DT Delight badge.  Additionally, if I can pull it off, I'm finally going to have the draw for all the past recipients in the DT Delight category next Sunday!  Remember, if you are chosen as a DT Delight during any of our challenges, your name will be entered into a draw.  You get one entry per choice; so, if two members picked your card, you will earn 2 entries, three members 3 entries, etc.  The winner at the time will be notified by email.  In the interim you are more than welcome to copy your framed card above and add it to your blog to share with all your readers; and, don't forget to email me at popwinners {at} gmail {dot} com (be sure to replace at and dot with the appropriate symbols) or by clicking HERE to bring the address up in your email program, for a copy of the special Challenge #14 DT Delight Badge.  I'm always running a bit behind these days, so your patience is appreciated.

Thank you for stopping by today.  I hope to back next Sunday with the special DT Delight Draw and then,  Monday, July 7th will see the start of Challenge #16.  We hope that you will join us then to learn what the newest theme will be.


  1. All the DT picks deserve the limelight. Congrats.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. Congrats on your DT picks.
    Wonderful choices everyone!
    Crafty hugs,

  3. Congrats to all of the amazing winners!! Thank you Desire and Pat for choosing my bookmarks as your DT Favorites :) I am truly honored.. Thank you!!!


Thank you so much for coming by. I hope that you leave with your spirits just a little bit more lifted than when you arrived. Your comments always make my day. ☺Lisa

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