
Monday, May 27, 2013

The People Have Spoken: Winner's From Challenge #1

Yes.  I admit it.  I am a tad late getting this post written.  I've been working so hard trying to tweak this new blog to get it ready for advertising on Feline Playful, getting feedback and making some changes for future challenges, that I've put off posting the winners for the first one.  While more details will follow on the new changes being implemented very soon, I can let you know who the winners are from our inaugural event..

Drum roll, please....BBBbbbrrrrrrrrr pish

The people have spoken and their choice for the first ever win on the Path of Positivity is.....

with this inspirational entry on the blessings of friendship... 
Desire you have won your choice of 10 images from Creative Bug Designs.

  Now I am also choosing an entry that I deem the most inspirational of the bunch.  Soon this will be up to the DT coming on shortly but for now it is all up to me.

So, in the category of Most Inspiring, our winner is...

 With this cool painting and wonderfully inspiring post...

Lisa you have won your choice of 3 images from Ike's Art.

 The random winner for this challenge, based on all remaining participants is:


Mandy you have won a Digital Designer Paper from Decosse's Dynamite Doodles.

(Tee. Hee.  My very first sponsorship.  Who cares that I am sponsoring my own challenge.)

 Now. I've seen the generator embedded in other blog posts but I can't figure out how to copy it.  I even tried putting in the source code of the frame in HTML but it just gave me the original frame and not the generation of the winning entry.  Therefore, I ended up printing the screen and then pasting it into Publisher, cropping all the extraneous info out and saving the image as a gif.  So, if any of you lovely people are giggling because there is a much easier way to accomplish this, I would be ever so grateful for the assistance.  Please  EMAIL ME if you have the time.
Big Congrats to...

  Desire, Lisa M, & Mandy

Please EMAIL ME to make arrangements to receive your prize.
You will also receive badges but you'll have to wait a little longer for those.

Now another idea I have been toying with is to offer up a positive quote for everyone who enters each challenge.   In future months this quote will give you clues to the next month's theme but for now it is just a basic quote on positivity.  So, if you entered the first challenge and would like the word art for the quote:

You can't live a positive life with a negative mind.  ~Author Unknown

Please EMAIL ME with the subject line, "PoP Challenge #1 Entrant Quote".

Oh and what do you think of the new look?  My wonderful friend Heather Dennis, the owner of Fresh Brewed Designs created the lovely banner that you see above so I had to change the blog's appearance to match.  I'm quite happy with the new look and I hope that you guys like it too.

I think I've covered everything I'm supposed to.  Don't forget to stay tuned as I will be making some changes regarding themes, voting and prize allocation.  We've got an additional sponsor coming on each month for the remainder of 2013, so that means more prizes.

May you day overflow with positivity!


  1. Oh wow, this is a huge honour Lisa, blush blush over here. A huge congrats also to my fellow inspirational winners - your creations truly inspire. I look forward to receiving my wonderful badge in future, but will in the meantime just use something I can find here with a link to your challenge, to advertise my win in my sidebar. A big thank you also to everyone who voted for me, without you all taking the time to come and vote, this would not have been possible.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. Wonderful job Heather - the banner looks great. Congrats to the winners.

  3. Congrats to the winners!!! Fabulous!

  4. Congratulations Desire and Lisa. Desire's cards are always lovely and the sentiments are marvellous Lisa's story was just so inspiring and also Lisa is a very funny story teller.

    Love Mandy xxx

  5. Whoop Whoop!!! Way to go EVERYONE!! Lisa, thank you so much for coming up with this amazing concept and congratulations to everyone for their positive inspirations! :)
    I'll email you ASAP
    The other one

  6. Congrats Ladies!!!! You certainly earned your prizes, beautiful projects!!!!

  7. Congrats Ladies! :)


Thank you so much for coming by. I hope that you leave with your spirits just a little bit more lifted than when you arrived. Your comments always make my day. ☺Lisa

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