
Monday, December 09, 2013

Challenge #8 Top Seven: Voting Open December 9th to December 16th, 2013

Welcome to the Challenge #8 PoP ToP!

Incredibly, we had 44 entries in our challenge on THANKFULNESS.  It was wonderful to see so many creations and posts reflecting on the theme of gratitude.  While it is easy to be grateful during a month when Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States, it is important that we try and remember to express thankfulness, each and every day of our lives.

Having so many incredible entries has made choosing our top seven all the more difficult but we did manage to come up seven that touched us in particular.  In case you are new and wondering why seven and not the typical three, four or even five?  Well, we strive to be different over here on the Path of Positivity.  Additionally, seven is a spiritual number and thus right in the wheelhouse of the vibe we are looking to project; so, seven it is.  Seeing as I am already two hours late in getting this post out, I'd better get a move on it, so please let me introduce you to the Top Seven for Challenge #8 (in no particular order)...

Congrats Ladies...

As a participant who has been chosen in our Top Seven, each of you is entitled to a special Top Seven badge. Please email me by clicking HERE, with the subject "Challenge #8 Top Seven" and I'll email your badge to you. 

Have Your Say!

Now the really hard work starts.  It is time for you, our readers, to vote for your favourite entry.  Which participant most inspires you?  Remember, you are not necessarily voting on a creation that was made.  You might simply find what the person had to say in their post to be inspiring and optimistic and in line with the concept of thankfulness.  In fact two of our top seven don't have any creations at all but they do have beautifully written posts expounding on the concept of gratitude.  Please let us know who your choice is by placing your vote below using the Inlinkz feature. 

Voting open for 7 days:
December 9th to December 16th

Please note that the voting week has been reduced down from ten days to seven.  I am doing this in hopes of being able to provide our design team more time to discuss our choice for most inspiring creation for the winners post.  So, come have your say in determining the Voter's Choice for Challenge #8!  Don't forget to leave a comment after you have voted.  There will be a prize for one lucky voter who leaves a comment (chosen randomly).   Now, one of our lovely readers tried things out last time for me and let me know that you can indeed visit the entries in the linkup below, before you vote.  Thank you Edwina for taking the time to check this out for me.  So, if you haven't had the opportunity to visit each of the top seven choices already, please go and check them out a little more closely before placing your vote.  Once you have made your decision, why not let them know how they inspired you.

Good luck everyone!

Important  Note:

Please note that in order for this to work, I must add all the entries but I can only do this AFTER I have published this post.  So there will be some overlap time between when this post is published and when you will be able to vote.  Once I have uploaded the entries there will be a total of seven images below on which to vote.  As soon as all seven are uploaded, I'll enable voting to begin. If there are less than seven, it means that I am still in the process of adding the images and you should come back in a little while to make your vote.  Thank you for your patience!

Link Up:


  1. Well done ladies and a gorgeous selection of enteries....I have voted for #1 as I know how difficult it is for this lady with being home bound and her creations are exquisitly gorgeous with a lot of meaning to

  2. Such an inspirational top seven, all of which deserve to be voters choices.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  3. Thank you so much for the Top 7 honor.
    You made my day.
    Have a terrific week.
    Crafty hugs,

  4. Wonderful cards. I love 3! and #3. I felt that the Thank you one with the girl and puppy said it all. Puppies are always so glad for some time with the ones they love. A child always wants to comfort and give a helping hand. This is a perfect Thank you card. Edwina Brown

  5. All entries were wonderful. It was a tough decision to pick just one.

  6. so very honored to see my card in this list...thank you so very much!!!

  7. Hands down #1. That's not to say the other submissions are not terrific -- #1 happens to be my style. Gorgeous!

  8. Hands down its Donna number 1 for me ,Donno comes across as a very caring Lady who touches my heart in so many ways ,and her work is Beautiful with so much Detail .
    Well done to everyone it was hard to pick a winner
    Big Hugs to you all xxxx

  9. I love #1! All the tiny details and the exquisite design captured me immediately!

  10. Oh such inspiring 'stories' of Thankfulness but my vote has to be for Mandy - so thankful to so many suppporting her in her personal lifestyle changing 'ill health' but her story of courage is the one that will stay with me as a reminder that 'it's never too late'. A very beautiful challenge x

  11. All the entries are wonderful and I am so glad that we have been able to see them all. I have voted for No. 1, this lady isn't well and her outlook on life has helped me and her creations are all inspiring.

    Hugs to everyone Sue Pxxx

  12. Wow, great job ladies!! LOVE #1, love the layers, the colors, style and sentiment... all my favorites. Lots of beautiful work by all!


Thank you so much for coming by. I hope that you leave with your spirits just a little bit more lifted than when you arrived. Your comments always make my day. ☺Lisa

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