
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Voting Instructions

Inlinkz has changed things to become more social media friendly but forget to tell us how to adapt to the new system.  Since I have to add the Inlinkz feature after the post has been published, in order to add the cards eligible for voting, I didn't know about the changes until afterwards.  Therefore I had to go in and add an 'EDIT' at the bottom of the post.  Unfortunately, it appears that some people have missed this edit, or it is taking them awhile to notice it is there.  Therefore on the recommendation of one of the voter's, I have also added the instructions right in the Inlinkz instructions area.  This will hopefully assist people in the new voting process.  I also thought that it might bear repeating in a separate post.

In order to vote in the new Inlinkz system: 
  1. Look for the little grey heart in the top right hand corner. 
  2. If you hover your mouse over it, the colour will change to red and it will say 'Love this link!!'. 
  3. Click on the heart to place your vote. 
  4. Once you have clicked the heart, a pop up box will appear stating, 'Vote registered. You have 0 vote(s) remaining." 

If you still have issues, you can simply let me know that you couldn't get it to work and just let me know who your vote is for, in a comment. If you are uncomfortable leaving the name in a comment, please email me at pathofpositivitychallenge {at} gmail {dot} com.
Thank you for your patience while we adapt to this new system. I will continue to add these instructions in the actual link up, each time a vote takes place in the future.  This will ensure that anyone new, has the opportunity to see it.

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Thank you so much for coming by. I hope that you leave with your spirits just a little bit more lifted than when you arrived. Your comments always make my day. ☺Lisa

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