
Thursday, April 14, 2016

Ponderings Along the Pathway...GRACE

Welcome to this month's edition of Ponderings Along the Pathway, an exclusive feature over here on the Path of Positivity.  The purpose of this column is to continue with the goal of this blog which is to create a space "designed to inspire, nurture and provide support for the soul by creating a positive path to follow, one project or post at a time".  Providing some motivational introspection on the themes we cover each challenge period, is one way of achieving this goal.

This month it is all about GRACE and PAT is here to share her thoughts on the subject...
"Grace is meeting those moments on the journey, 
then picking yourself back up, being humble enough to learn, 
and not being too hard on yourself. -Michelle Peluso

Grace is an attitude and a virtue we can all cultivate. It is how you handle yourself on your path. If you stumble, recover and keep moving; if you fall flat on your face, get up and keep moving.
As we traverse the Path this month, we can walk with Grace by making the journey a little easier for those who follow behind us. This month's journey can be as simple or as complex as you wish. For example, you can:
share a smile or give a compliment to someone whose pace seems slower than usual,
send a handwritten note or handmade gift to someone needing a little re-energizing,
be grateful for what you have by giving anonymously to those who do not,
try to picture walking in someone else's shoes before judging them,
forgive those who may push their way down the path, heedless of others,
realize that what seems an easy pace for you may be too difficult for others 
before opening your mouth, and finally,
learn to laugh at yourself and learn from missteps.
Walking with Grace makes the path less wearisome, for you and for others.
Walk with Grace and maybe we can share some time together on the Path.

Well folks, that is it for today but please be sure to join us on Monday for the midway.  Enjoy your weekend everyone!

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Thank you so much for coming by. I hope that you leave with your spirits just a little bit more lifted than when you arrived. Your comments always make my day. ☺Lisa

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