
Friday, May 22, 2020

Ponderings Along the Pathway...Attitude is Everything

Hello folks! I know it has been a while since we had an edition of Ponderings Along the Pathway, an exclusive feature over here on the Path of Positivity but Pat's writing muse is with her this month so we're in luck. The purpose of this column is to continue with the goal of this blog which is to create a space "designed to inspire, nurture and provide support for the soul by creating a positive path to follow, one project or post at a time". Providing some motivational introspection, is one way of achieving this goal.

This month, PAT is here to share her thoughts on the subject: ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING

These are some tough times the world is facing. Besides the spread of COVID-19, the stay-at-home and isolation measures are taking a toll on people. Small businesses and people are hurting.

More than the physical and financial issues are that peoples’ energy, their attitudes, even their spirits are being stretched to the limits. People who are normally good-natured are cranky and scared. Salespersons are tired of impatience and rudeness they encounter.

EVERYONE IS ON EDGE. Our whole way of life has changed, and it’s no wonder everyone can get prickly. And yet… can be so much better and less stressful by how a person acts with others. Attitude is everything. When someone complains about conditions, can you smile and say to them, “I can’t imagine how you’re managing. You must be a very strong person. I hope you and your family stay healthy”?

When you come against a prickly person, can you remember that this is only temporary, and he or she isn’t always cranky but is just feeling the stress especially in that moment. If she’s a friend, can you ask her how you can help? If a stranger, can you leave with a compliment and a wish for health and happiness in the near future?

Me? I made a list of the Pro’s and Cons of this enforced “stay-at-home” order. We all share a lot of the same Cons, but here’s my list of Pro’s:
  • More time to craft, paint and create art.
  • Enough time to go through my whole house and de-clutter.
  • Time to finally transition my craft room to a guest bedroom and take the crafting downstairs.
  • Time to clean out, sort, organize and label my crafts.
  • Spring cleaning is finished.
  • The garage is cleaned out.
  • Bonding with my adult daughter who lives with me.
  • Finding creative ways to make my mom’s and sister’s birthdays a celebration (nailed it).
  • Spending less money.
  • Air pollution is down.
  • When I go out for supplies, there is less traffic and less road rage.
  • Having time to get my garden ready.
  • Taking longer walks with my dog.
  • My house has never been cleaner.
  • Time to try new art techniques.
  • Time to get on my Bike, exercise, dance & do yoga.
  • My journal is filling up fast.
  • Neighbors are more friendly than ever (at a distance).
  • My gratitude list gets longer with each passing day.
  • I’ve started to pray again.

Go ahead, make a list. I hope you’ll find your Pros are longer than your Cons. Give encouragement and acknowledgment wherever you go. And when you need that same encouragement and some help remembering there is hope, come back here and see and read all the lovely, positive things we can look at, and look forward to on the Path of Positivity. Stay healthy, everyone.

Happy crafting!

While it has been a rough road these past few months, there truly are many things that we can be thankful for and activities we can do that we generally put off, neglect or just straight up don't generally have time for.

I hope that you have had the opportunity to think about your own list of Pros that have come out of this time at home as you've been walking a different Pathway. As always we need to make the best with what we have in front of us!

Stay healthy and we'll see you on Monday when we'll be back with the winner announcement.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Pat, how we have missed your thoughts and observations! Thanks for sharing and know we all thank you for these words of encouragement!


Thank you so much for coming by. I hope that you leave with your spirits just a little bit more lifted than when you arrived. Your comments always make my day. ☺Lisa

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