
Monday, July 06, 2020

Summer Break Reminder

Hello there folks! I'm just popping in with a reminder that we are taking the month of July off. I mentioned it during the posts published in June but figured it would be best to remind everyone in a separate post as well.

Over the last few years, we have made the decision to take time off in the summer and thus will be off for the month of July. We take a break for the following reasons:
  1. Since it is summer time here in North America, Britain, Europe and other locales around the world, many of our players are out of the house and enjoying the warmer weather;
  2. My hard working Design Team deserves a little bit of time off; and 
  3. It gives me the opportunity to do some catching up with everything I'm always so far behind on by mid year.
Now if you are waiting on the Top Picks and Winner Announcement from our June challenge, we'll be back with those posts in August, taking place during the 2nd and 4th weeks of the month in their regular spots.

I truly hope that you will all continue to support us when we return on August 3rd (as long as everything goes according to plan) for our next challenge.

For the time being, I really hope that those of you living in the northern hemisphere are all enjoying your summer and for those of you in the southern hemisphere, I hope that your winter isn't too harsh. I know that this year is a year unlike any other so I hope that you are able to make the most out of it!

Take care everyone, stay walking on your own Path of Positivity if you can and we'll see you all again real soon.


  1. Enjoy your off time! Hopefully you have warm weather.
    Hugs Monica

  2. Thanks Monica! Actually where I live in Canada, we've had nothing but intense heat going on three weeks now which is very odd for my region for such a long period with no relief. Under 30 C would be welcome about now.

    Have a great month yourself!


Thank you so much for coming by. I hope that you leave with your spirits just a little bit more lifted than when you arrived. Your comments always make my day. ☺Lisa

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