Monday, February 10, 2014

Challenge #10 Top Seven: Voting Open February 10th to February 17th, 2014

Welcome to the Challenge #10 PoP ToP!

Hello everyone and welcome to this month's edition of the PoP ToP.  Last month we had a total of 20 participants.  I was thrilled that we had that many because I knew that the concept of generosity might trip some people up when it came to making a project.  However, the concept is so broad and many of you really thought outside the box which was simply fabulous to see.

So, it is time to get on with showcasing the seven projects that the team feels were the best of the bunch.  In case you are new and wondering why seven and not the typical three, four or even five?  Well, we strive to be different over here on the Path of Positivity.  Additionally, seven is a spiritual number and thus right in the wheelhouse of the vibe we are looking to project; so, seven it is.  Thus, without further ado, please let me introduce you to the Top Seven for Challenge #10 (in no particular order)...


 Congrats Ladies...

As a participant who has been chosen in our Top Seven, each of you is entitled to a special Top Seven badge. Please email me by clicking HERE, with the subject "Challenge #10 Top Seven" and I'll email your badge to you.  Please note that it may take me several days to get back to you so I appreciate your patience.

Have Your Say!

Now the really hard work starts.  It is time for you, our readers, to vote for your favourite entry.  Which participant most inspires you?  Remember, you are not necessarily voting on a creation that was made.  You might simply find what the person had to say in their post to be inspiring and optimistic and in line with the concept of generosity.  Therefore, please be sure to go and check out the entries first and not just make your choices off of the thumbnails.  Once you have checked all the entries out,  let us know who your favourite choice is by placing your vote below using the Inlinkz feature. 

Voting open for 7 days:
February 10th to February 17th
Come have your say in determining the Voter's Choice for Challenge #10!  Don't forget to leave a comment after you have voted.  There will be a prize for one lucky voter who leaves a comment (chosen randomly).  If you haven't had the opportunity to visit each of the top seven choices already, please go and check them out a little more closely before placing your vote.  Once you have made your decision, why not go back and let them know how they inspired you.

Good luck everyone!

Important Note:

Please note that in order for this to work, I must add all the entries but I can only do this AFTER I have published this post.  So there will be some overlap time between when this post is published and when you will be able to vote.  Once I have uploaded the entries there will be a total of seven images below on which to vote.  As soon as all seven are uploaded, I'll enable voting to begin. If there are less than seven, it means that I am still in the process of adding the images and you should come back in a little while to make your vote.  Thank you for your patience!

EDIT:  Inlinkz has changed things to become more social media friendly but forget to tell us how to adapt to the new system.  To Vote:  Look for the little grey heart in the top right hand corner.  If you hover your mouse over it, the colour will change to red and it will say 'Love this link!!'.  Click on the heart to place your vote.  Once you have clicked the heart it will say, 'Vote registered.  You have 0 vote(s) remaining."  If you still have issues, you can simply let me know that you couldn't get it to work, like a commenter already has, and just let me know who your vote is for in a comment.  If you are uncomfortable leaving the name in a comment, please email me at pathofpositivitychallenge {at} gmail {dot} com.   Thank you for your patience while we adapt to this new system.  The instructions are repeated below to ensure that everyone sees them.


Unknown said...

Thank you friends for choosing my card as one of the top 7 and congrats to my fellow contributors.xx

Beth F. said...

I voted! Such beautiful creations!

Maryann Laursen said...

WOUW sooo many really gorgeous creations, so it has really been a hard choise, but one little detail made the difference to me in the end, so you can say, it really was the small things that made it in the end.
Thanks sooo much everyone for such wonderful inspiration and sharing your gorgeous work with the rest of us here.

Pumpy said...

I came along and voted, hard decision they were all so awesome.

creativearts said...

Some beautiful art was chosen! I vote for Donna. This is the only way I found that I could vote. Hope this counts.

Shona Erlenborn said...

Isn't there usually a little voting box under the choices. Is it just me? How are we supposed to vote? I see others have managed, so I must be doing something wrong.

Benzi said...

I voted and it worked with clicking on the little heart. There's a lot of wonderful creativity here.

Denise Pustelniak said...

I voted! I think when you vote the heart turns red and you get a checkmark. Beautiful creations!

Karen P said...

Thankfully saw your note at the bottom of the post about clicking on the heart so I have voted. However it took me a while before I saw it - I think it would help if you could make the fact that you can click on the heart to vote? xx

D- said...

The vote boxes aren't there for me either.
I'd like to vote for #1 Carole

D- said...

Okay it pays to read your edit.
I did as you said and hovered above the heart and was able to vote.
Wonderful creations everyone!!!
(you can delete my other comment if you want)

Silvis Kreativstube said...

Wow, es sind wieder so tolle Werke zu sehen und da fällt die Abstimmung nicht leicht. Mir gefallen alle sehr gut. Ganz liebe Grüße Silvi

Denise Pustelniak said...

Lisa, that edit works alot, Thanks!!!

Crafty Judith said...

wow thanks for choosing my creation i m amazed and grateful thanks so much and well done to all the other winners too and to all the other entrants x

Edwina said...

Love the cards. My favorite is Donna's. Yes a true friend does hug the heart. Even when they can only listen while you talk. Edwina Brown

ionabunny said...

I've voted. Such lovely cards from everyone. Difficult to pick just one. I like it here. Happy thoughts and hugs everyone

Karen Letchworth said...

The cards are lovely (all but one...sorry!). I did place my vote, and I really hope the most worthy entry wins.