Monday, March 17, 2025

Ch. #129--Anything Goes POSITIVE with the Opt. Twist of: Make a Creative Project You Wouldn’t Normally Make...Midway

Badge for Monthly Challenge
Hey folks! Welcome back to the Path of Positivity Challenge Blog! It is the third Monday of the month and that means that it is time to present the midway for Challenge #129. It is my fond hope that each of you and your own families continue to stay happy, safe, and well, wherever it is you live in this big wide world of ours. 

As we are a unique kind of challenge blog, it is important for you to understand how things work. Please be sure to check out the START POST FOUND HERE for the specific details related to this month's challenge, and you can find out all the general details you need to know in order to participate, by clicking on the 'Challenge Details' tab (located at the top of the blog). For your convenience, a summary of the most important rules can now be found in the right sidebar under the heading 'General Rules'.
Right now, it is time to continue with our midway. Here is a refresher of the details for our current twist:

Challenge #129

Anything Goes POSITIVE with the Opt. Twist of 

Embracing The Unexpected:

Make a Creative Project You Wouldn’t Normally Make

This year's goal is to Embrace the Unexpected in our lives (click here if you'd like to read more in depth about our overall theme for 2025). No matter how much planning we do throughout our years on this earth, we're going to come across circumstances that we can't plan for. These unexpected things may be small or they may be huge and life altering. The only thing that we can control is how we react to these events. So this year, instead of BRACING for the unexpected, we are going to flip that and get in the habit of EMBRACING the unexpected. This will help us to train ourselves to look at these types of events in a different light.

To help inspire you on this journey, each month we will be doing things such as creating fun unexpected projects, working with items we might not typically work with, taking approaches that are different from what we normally do, offering up the unexpected to someone in our life, etc. So, let's get to the details for this month's challenge.   

Since you are here, you know that expressing your creativity in general is a great way to relax and develop your artistic skills. Each time you work on a creative project you get better at the task at hand. It also helps build your problem solving skills, enhances communication and builds on your innovative thinking. This month, it is time to put that innovative thinking into practice and exercise your creative muscles in a different way than you might typically.

Most of you are probably adapt at making greeting cards. Some of you will have tried your hand at other types of projects. For your optional project this month, make something you wouldn’t normally make. Here are several examples to get you thinking, though your options aren't just limited to this list. If it is something that you've never made before, try your hand at:
  • writing a poem or short story.
  • creating a custom bookmark or calendar.
  • creating a digital project if you typically create with paper and scissors (or vice versa).
  • drawing a picture.
  • working with a different medium--chalk, oils, acrylics, watercolours, charcoal.
  • learning origami.
  • designing your own jigsaw puzzle from something creative you've made.
  • learning to knit, crochet or working with embroidery threads or cross-stitch.
  • working with wood.
  • creating a game.
  • remixing a song or writing your own.
  • creating animal shapes out of towels.
  • taking a photo series.
  • creating a bullet journal.
  • trying calligraphy.

Remember, the twist is completely optional and you don't need to follow it in order to win. However, in order to be considered eligible for this month's goodies, remember that general types of projects/posts will not qualify for the honours and prize UNLESS they are also positive, inspirational, motivational or encouraging in some nature. Additionally, even if a project may qualify as positive, if your post promotes negativity, hatred or anything of an abhorrent nature, your project will be disqualified. Honours and Prize include:

  • $6 worth of images from Scribbles Designs, for a person chosen in a random draw based on all qualifying entrants.
  • A badge for the following honours: Top Pick, Most Inspirational, Random Winner, DT Delight.
decorative border of footprints
To help inspire you further down the path of Embracing the Unexpected: Make a Creative Project You Wouldn’t Normally Make, check out the wonderful projects my Design Team had the opportunity to create. Clicking on each team member's name will take you to their blog where you can check out the details for their inspirational creations.

framed image of Carole's creation
 framed image of Katrina's creation
Thanks again to my astounding design team! As always, each of them have their own unique avenues of creation which I thoroughly admire. Each of these designs has demonstrated the theme of Embracing the Unexpected: Make a Creative Project You Wouldn’t Normally Make splendidly, and I hope we have motivated you throughout this challenge to come up with your own work of handicraft. Be sure to go and visit these accomplished ladies so you can see just how their projects tie in to the twist.
Why not join us, if you haven't entered already? Create a project and/or post that is positive, inspirational, motivational or encouraging in some nature and join our link up. How about stretching yourself by also opting to follow the twist?! While it isn't mandatory, we'd also love to find out how this month's twist affects your own life. How do you typically deal with the unexpected in your life? Do you view it with trepidation or take it on as a challenge? This month it is time to think outside of the box and try your hand at a creative project that is different from what you would typically make. If you are stuck for ideas, be sure to check above for a number of examples. If you want to let us know your thought process on your decision, you can write a sentence or two in the body of your post, write a sentence at the bottom of your post next to the link up for this challenge, or simply leave a comment on this post if you'd like.

Also, I know that the participants would love for you to go and pay them a visit. Remember we're creating a Path of Positivity to follow one project at a time and we'd love to see you somewhere on that route even if it is just by leaving a comment on an entry from someone who has touched you somehow with their project and/or post! You can find our list of participants and enter our latest challenge yourself by clicking HERE and scrolling down to the bottom of the post.

Please show your support to our wonderful sponsor, Scribbles Designs, by going over and checking out their work and saying hi if you have the chance. You may also just find an image or two to add your your collection!
Thank you so much to this awesome Canadian company for their
continued support of this challenge blog!

Don't Forget...

Winners for challenge #128 will be posted next Monday if everything goes according to plan. You can find the Top Picks post HERE.
If you ever have any questions be sure to leave me a comment.

We look forward to seeing you participate!

team signature

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Ch. #128 Top Picks


Hello folks! I hope that your Path this past week has included a number of positive moments along the route and that you and your families are all doing your best to stay healthy and happy. 
It is time to present the top picks from the last challenge. Since we had 22 incredible entries in Challenge #128 (click HERE to see the original challenge with the optional twist of Embracing The Unexpected: Sharing a Valentine's Day Card with Someone Who Won't Expect It), it is time to get on with showcasing the seven projects and/or write-ups that touched the team the most. In case you are new and wondering why seven and not the typical three, four or even five? Any time that we have more than 14 entries, we have a top seven (with 14 entries or under we just have a top three). We always strive to be a bit different over here on the Path of Positivity and this is just another way to do so. Additionally, seven is a spiritual number and thus right in the wheelhouse of the vibe we are looking to project; so, seven it is when enough people join in. 

Thus, without further ado, please let me introduce you to the Top Picks for Challenge #128

Top Pick #1

Top Pick #2

Top Pick #3
Top Pick #4

Top Pick #5

Top Pick #6
Top Pick #7

Congrats Ladies... 

As a participant who has been chosen as a Top Pick in this challenge, 
you are entitled to a special Challenge #128 Top Pick Badge.
Please feel free to grab a copy for your blog...
Top Pick Badge

   decorative border of footprints
Well, that is it for this one. Please join us again on March 17th (as long as everything goes according to plan), when we will be back with our midway. 
Do your best to continue stay safe, healthy and positive out there in your daily life and hopefully we'll see you all again soon!!!

Until next time,
team signature

Monday, March 03, 2025

Ch. #129--Anything Goes POSITIVE with the Opt. Twist of: Make a Creative Project You Wouldn’t Normally Make

Badge for Monthly Challenge
Hello everyone and welcome to the Path of Positivity Challenge Blog! It is the first Monday of the month and it is time for our latest challenge to begin! We hope that you and your families continue to stay healthy and safe out there. 
Since we are not your typical challenge blog, it is important for you to understand how things work in order to be sure you are eligible to win any of the prizes offered. If you are new to this unique challenge, you can find out the impetus behind why I started it under the 'Introductions' tab and you can find out all the details you need to know in order to participate, in the 'Challenge Details' tab (both tabs located at the top of the blog). For your convenience, a summary of the most important rules can also be found in the right sidebar under the heading 'General Rules'.
Right now, it is time to get down to the business of our latest challenge. Here is what you need to know...

Challenge #129

Anything Goes POSITIVE with the Opt. Twist of 

Embracing The Unexpected:

Make a Creative Project You Wouldn’t Normally Make

This year's goal is to Embrace the Unexpected in our lives (click here if you'd like to read more in depth about our overall theme for 2025). No matter how much planning we do throughout our years on this earth, we're going to come across circumstances that we can't plan for. These unexpected things may be small or they may be huge and life altering. The only thing that we can control is how we react to these events. So this year, instead of BRACING for the unexpected, we are going to flip that and get in the habit of EMBRACING the unexpected. This will help us to train ourselves to look at these types of events in a different light.

To help inspire you on this journey, each month we will be doing things such as creating fun unexpected projects, working with items we might not typically work with, taking approaches that are different from what we normally do, offering up the unexpected to someone in our life, etc. So, let's get to the details for this month's challenge.   

Since you are here, you know that expressing your creativity in general is a great way to relax and develop your artistic skills. Each time you work on a creative project you get better at the task at hand. It also helps build your problem solving skills, enhances communication and builds on your innovative thinking. This month, it is time to put that innovative thinking into practice and exercise your creative muscles in a different way than you might typically.

Most of you are probably adapt at making greeting cards. Some of you will have tried your hand at other types of projects. For your optional project this month, make something you wouldn’t normally make. Here are several examples to get you thinking, though your options aren't just limited to this list. If it is something that you've never made before, try your hand at:
  • writing a poem or short story.
  • creating a custom bookmark or calendar.
  • creating a digital project if you typically create with paper and scissors (or vice versa).
  • drawing a picture.
  • working with a different medium--chalk, oils, acrylics, watercolours, charcoal.
  • learning origami.
  • designing your own jigsaw puzzle from something creative you've made.
  • learning to knit, crochet or working with embroidery threads or cross-stitch.
  • working with wood.
  • creating a game.
  • remixing a song or writing your own.
  • creating animal shapes out of towels.
  • taking a photo series.
  • creating a bullet journal.
  • trying calligraphy.

Remember, the twist is completely optional and you don't need to follow it in order to win. However, in order to be considered eligible for this month's goodies, remember that general types of projects/posts will not qualify for the honours and prize UNLESS they are also positive, inspirational, motivational or encouraging in some nature. Additionally, even if a project may qualify as positive, if your post promotes negativity, hatred or anything of an abhorrent nature, your project will be disqualified. Honours and Prize include:

  • $6 worth of images from Scribbles Designs, for a person chosen in a random draw based on all qualifying entrants.
  • A badge for the following honours: Top Pick, Most Inspirational, Random Winner, DT Delight.
decorative border of footprints
Now check out what my awesome design team came up with to inspire you. Clicking on each team member's name will take you to their blog where you can check out the details for their inspirational creations.
framed image of Katrina's creation


framed image of Carole's creation

My wonderful design team continues to astound me each and every month! They all have their own approach and deft insight into the twist. Even after all this time, I continue to be astonished by the purview of greatness in their work! Each of these artful conceptions has showcased the notion of Embracing the Unexpected: Make a Creative Project You Wouldn’t Normally Make admirably and I hope we have inspired you to commence on your own exploration of creativity. Be sure to go and visit each team member so you can see how her project further connects to the twist.

So what are you waiting for? Create a project and/or post that is positive, inspirational, motivational or encouraging in some nature and join our link up. How about stretching yourself by also opting to follow the twist?! While it isn't mandatory, we'd also love to find out how this month's twist affects your own life. How do you typically deal with the unexpected in your life? Do you view it with trepidation or take it on as a challenge? This month it is time to think outside of the box and try your hand at a creative project that is different from what you would typically make. If you are stuck for ideas, be sure to check above for a number of examples. If you want to let us know your thought process on your decision, you can write a sentence or two in the body of your post, write a sentence at the bottom of your post next to the link up for this challenge, or simply leave a comment on this post if you'd like. Finally, remember that we're trying to create a Path of Positivity so if you have some time, please visit other people participating throughout the month.

Please join us again next week when we will [hopefully] post the Top Picks for Challenge #128. Then, be sure to join us again on March 17th when we'll be back with our midway featuring more great projects. 
If you ever have any questions be sure to send an email to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca (don't forget to replace {at} and {dot} with the appropriate symbols), or just leave me a comment.

We look forward to seeing you participate!

team signature

Link Up Below:
If you have any problems linking up, please be sure to let me know by leaving a comment on this post.

Ch. #129--Anything Goes POSITIVE with the Opt. Twist of Embracing the Unexpected: Make a Creative Project You Wouldn’t Normally Make

This is the place to link up something that you have created during the month that you consider positive, inspirational, motivational or encouraging in some nature. Entries for this challenge will be accepted from March 3rd until 11:59 p.m. (ET) on April 6th, 2025

SEVEN entries MAX. Please click on the 'Challenge Details' tab located at the top of the blog to see all the rules. A summary of the most important rules can also be found in the right sidebar under the heading 'General Rules'. If you would like to be a Guest Designer in a future challenge, please add the letters GDT after your name.

You are next... Click here to enter
This list will close in 13 days, 14 hrs, 49 min (4/6/2025 11:59 PM North America - Eastern Standard Time)