This month it is all about AN EXPRESSION OF LOVE and PAT is here to share her thoughts on the subject...
Have you ever read the short story “Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry? It’s a story about a young couple just married who are too poor to buy Christmas gifts for each other. So, he pawns his father’s watch that he holds most dear to him, in order to buy combs for his wife’s beautiful hair. Unknowingly, she cuts her hair short in order to buy a chain for her husband’s pocket watch. Imagine their surprise when they each open their gifts! What a unique and wondrous expression of love they showed for one another! You can read the full story HERE.
My husband and I have been married for forty years. I love him and he loves me. Yet I can count on two hands the times he’s actually said the words, “I love you.” It used to bother me, but not anymore. I know he loves me for all the non-verbal ways he’s expressed his love.
Years ago, when his lack of those three little words still hurt me, I started a journal of sorts. It was a book of lists – things for which I am grateful, places I would like to travel to, people who have touched my life in a positive way, etc. Whatever popped into my head, I would make a list. I am a list-driven person and find I can get more things cleaned, organized, created or finished by making lists.
So I picked up my handy dandy notebook (Blue’s Clues fans will get the reference) and created a list of all the ways my husband expressed his love without saying those three little words, things like taking out the garbage, ordering takeout on my busy days, popping into the craft room out of the blue and giving me a hug.
There were so many ways that screamed ‘I LOVE YOU” that I got to the end of the page and could still think of more!
Expressions of love can be spoken, felt, written, wrapped, or baked. They can be subtle, like the Post-It note with positive affirmations that my daughter left for me on the bathroom mirror, or the decorated chocolate cookie cake I had made for hubby, telling him he was going to be a daddy for the first time. They can also hit you on the head like a bouquet of flowers, a romantic getaway, or a marriage proposal. Expressions of love can be anything you think of that lets the other person know that he or she is loved.
I like to create little expressions in my craft room to let my loved ones know how much I care for them. I have created journals for my daughter, cards for my husband, photo and scrapbook albums for my mom and canvases for my sisters. My friends have received homemade treat boxes filled with cookies or fudge I made.
I left one of my expressions of love until last – the love I have for my fellow citizens of the world. I appreciate what I have and share it by donating canned goods to my local food pantry. From 5K Walks (there is no way I can run even 1K without passing out) to serving up dinner at my local soup kitchen, I remember to express my love for all people. Of course, pets are “people” too, and I volunteer at our local Buddy Foundation and donate when I can to No-Kill shelters.
But enough about me! Have you been frustrated by the absence of those three little words, too? Or do YOU have trouble saying “I love you”? What are some ways you have expressed your love or have been on the receiving end? Everyone loves inspiration, so please leave a comment and tell us the expressions of love you have experienced.
And know that we love to have you visit the Path of Positivity. Enjoy your journey!

Pat has shared a great reminder that there are many ways that one can express their love. Try to find new and unique ways to express love to the people most dear in your own life and may you receive back 100 fold, the love you share with the world around you.
Well folks, that is it for today. Enjoy your weekend everyone and please
join us again on Monday when we announce the Winners and DT Delights
for Challenge #45!