Monday, February 19, 2018

Challenge #56 Midway--Optional Theme: SHADES OF RED

Hello folks! Happy Family Day to my fellow Canadians living in Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta (British Columbia celebrated last Monday).  For those of you living in Manitoba, Happy Louis Riel Day. For those of you in Nova Scotia and the Yukon, Happy Heritage Day and for those residing in Prince Edward Island, Happy Islander Day. To all of our readers in the States, Happy President's Day.  Wherever, you may be, I hope that you are spending your time today, or at least a portion of it, in the loving embrace of family and/or friends.

Right now, it is time to present the midway for Challenge #56. As we are a unique kind of challenge blog, please be sure to check out the START POST FOUND HERE, for all the rules and details you need to know in order to enter.

This is the second month into our year long study of colour. If you are new to the blog or this series, and you would like to review a more in-depth explanation on how we are affected by colour, its impact on us, the symbolism behind it, and the psychological effect it has on our everyday lives, you can find it by clicking HERE and scrolling down to the Title, "Theme Ideas for 2018".

For now though, here is a refresher of what our current theme is all about:

Challenge #56

Optional Theme: SHADES OF RED

What kinds of thoughts and feelings do you think of when you think about the colour red? According to research, red happens to be one of the most complicated colours, as the mood conveyed shifts greatly depending on whether you lighten it or darken it.

Red is the colour of the heart, blood, and also fire. This contributes to the reasoning behind why the different shades of red evoke feelings of love, passion, vigour, desire and longing in some individuals. Red 'heats' the blood and 'stirs' our various passions. It has been know to increase our physical energy levels, raise our heart rate and blood pressure and also trigger the release of adrenalin into our system.

The colour red is also associated with the idea of strength, courage, bravery, determination and willpower. It stimulates our senses, propelling us to move and to take action. Red's association with these specific traits is often reflected in the world around. It is one of the reasons why so many flags have the colour red in them.  It is also the reason behind the traditional red power tie and the red carpet for important dignitaries, other VIPs and even celebrities.

For some people though, red has been known to arouse feelings of stress, anger, malice and aggression. Being surrounded by too much red can be known to stir these more negative aspects of the colour; so, it is important to be cautious about its potential effects when deciding on certain colour palettes for your surroundings.

As red is an extremely discernable colour, it focuses attention swiftly, prompting people to make rapid decisions. This is one of the reasons that fire trucks are usually painted red. It is also the reason why stop signs and stop lights use the colour red, and why emergency lights are this colour as well. In certain circumstances, when one sees red they are alerted to the fact there is a need to watch for danger.

This challenge, our focus is on different SHADES OF RED. We want to see a project that is at least 51% of the overall colour scheme. Your project doesn't need to be completely monochromatic so a spattering of other colours is fine. Just be sure that if you would like a chance to win the prize for the Most Inspirational Creation, over half of the colours in your project must be in the RED spectrum! The shades of red can be in the colours you choose to fill in your images with, and/or they can be in your choices of papers and embellishments. Just make sure that the majority of your project focuses on the varying shades of the red family of colours. We can't wait to see how you explore the theme in your designs!

If you do follow the optional theme, be sure to add FT after your name so that we include you in the draw for the prize for Most Inspirational. While it isn't mandatory, we'd also love to find out how this month's colour makes you feel, if you'd like to share that with us. What kinds of feelings does the colour RED personally evoke in you? You can write a sentence or two in the body of your post, write a sentence at the bottom of your post next to the link up for this challenge, or simply leave a comment on this post if you'd like.

Remember, in order to be considered eligible for this month's prizes, ALL creations must be positive, inspirational, motivational or encouraging in some nature. You don't need to follow the optional theme if you simply want to have a chance at the Random Draw prize of a $15 gift certificate from Ike's Art, one of our guest sponsors this month. You only need to follow the theme if you want a chance to win an additional sponsored prize of three (3) images from Pattie's Creations, the second of our guest sponsors this month, for the project chosen as Most Inspiring.

Talking of our guest sponsors...

To learn more about this month's guest sponsors, be sure to check out the START post; and of course, also pay each of these generous companies a visit. Below, you will find the watermarks for the images that the team worked with for the midway. Just click on any watermark to find that image's location in its respective store.

From Ike's Art

Puppy Love

Poppy Wreath

Tap Dancer Feet

I Love You Hearts and Roses

Valentine Bear Be Mine

Quilted Heart Image
Thank you so much to these awesome companies for allowing us the opportunity to work with such incredible images throughout the challenge! Please pop over and pay a visit. You might just find the perfect image or set you are looking for!!!

To help inspire you further down the path of SHADES OF RED, check out the wonderful projects my Design Team had the opportunity to create. Clicking on each team member's name will take you to their blog where you can check out further details on their inspirational creations.

Thanks again to my incredible design team! As always, each of them have their own unique styles and ideas which amaze me to no end. Each of these projects has showcased the colour RED splendidly and I hope we have inspired you throughout this challenge. Be sure to go and visit these talented ladies so you can see how their projects tie in to the theme.

Why not join us, if you haven't entered already? Create a project and/or post that is positive, inspirational, motivational or encouraging in some nature and join our link up. If you've opted to follow the theme of SHADES OF RED, for the chance to win the Most Inspirational prize, make sure that you add FT after your name so you can be included in the running for the prize. Remember, we'd also love to find out just how the colour red affects you, so be sure to lets us know if you can, somewhere in your post or come over and leave a comment. Easy, peasy! You can enter our latest challenge by clicking HERE.

Also, I know that the participants would love for you to go and pay them a visit. Remember we're creating a Path of Positivity to follow one project at a time and we'd love to see you somewhere on that route even if it is just by leaving a comment on an entry from someone who has touched you somehow with their project and/or post!

Don't Forget...

You have until 11:59 p.m. tonight to vote on your favourite entry for Challenge #55. Voting is quick, easy and painless so I hope you will consider casting your vote if you haven't already. Winners for Challenge #55 will hopefully be posted sometime next week. Of course, I still need to post the winner announcement for Challenge #54 as well. While I managed to get back on track with the Top Picks post, I'm still behind in the one winner announcement. It doesn't help that this month has three less days than normal but I'll do my best to get caught up. For those of you who are waiting, I appreciate your patience. If you'd like to vote for your favourite entry in Challenge #55, you can find the Top Picks post HERE.

If you need some motivation to get you started, I've provided a quote for you, which you can find below. Please note that this is the same quote that was offered at the start of the challenge.

Please be sure to click on it to bring it up into the lightbox in its proper size before saving it.

Credit Notes For This Creation:

© 2018, Lisa L. Décosse. PUO. However, you are allowed to use the sentiment on handmade projects that you intend to sell on a small scale basis provided credit is given. You also need to include a credit note and a link to this blog or my personal blog, Decosse's Dynamite Doodles, should you use any of my images in your creations and post them on your blog. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with my full terms of use found in the 'Download Instructions & T.O.U.' tab at the top of this page. Of important note:  Please do not share my images with family, friends, etc. Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Box®, 4-Shared®, etc. Instead, please direct people to my blog(s) so they can grab the image for themselves. If you would like to post a watermarked version of the image, please contact me to obtain one.

Additional Credit and Font Information:

Fonts used
Click on the font names to take you to a purchase or download location. The first font listed was purchased as part of a limited time bundle with extended licensing. The second font listed was free and may be used for commercial purposes. It is my understanding, that I am within my rights to use these fonts in my creations and offer them to others for free or for sale. Always check to make sure the terms haven't changed before using the font on something you sell.

You will notice that the sentiment may appear huge depending on what software program you download it into. You can always reduce the size without distorting the overall look.

Additional Elements
I have also used a banner image created by TWB Supply co via Craftbundles. As I obtained it under the previous licensing (prior to Feb. 1st, 2018), it may be used for commercial purposes.

Whether you are new and need to familiarize yourself with all the details, or a returning participant and just need to refresh yourself, you can find out the impetus behind why I started this challenge under the 'Introductions' tab and all the details you need to know in order to participate, in the 'Challenge Details' tab (both tabs located at the top of the blog). Additionally, you can find a quick summary of the details related to this challenge, towards the bottom of the start post. 

 Click HERE to head to the current challenge post & link up!

Please show your support to our wonderful guest sponsors by going over and checking out their work and saying hi if you have the chance. As mentioned above, this month our guest sponsors are...

Our ongoing sponsors include...


  If you ever have any questions be sure to EMAIL ME or just leave me a comment.

We look forward to seeing you participate!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Ponderings Along the Pathway...LIFE IS A JOURNEY

Hello folks! Welcome to this month's edition of Ponderings Along the Pathway, an exclusive feature over here on the Path of Positivity. The purpose of this column is to continue with the goal of this blog which is to create a space "designed to inspire, nurture and provide support for the soul by creating a positive path to follow, one project or post at a time". Providing some motivational introspection each month (when it is possible), is one way of achieving this goal.

This month, PAT is here to share her thoughts on the subject: LIFE IS A JOURNEY...

We had a long-standing tradition on Valentine's Day in my house. This holiday was one on which the guys in the family would show their love to the females in the family...period. Wendy and I received and Chase and Bill gifted. They showed their love on Valentine's Day with cards and flowers, stuffed animals and dinner out, etc.

My son Chase has his own family now and is living in Florida. He has his work cut out for him with a wife and two daughters and their own traditions. For Wendy and myself? My husband passed away last year. So, what is Valentine's Day going to be for us now?

That's easy! Wendy and I need to make a new tradition. Which is okay. Life is about peeling off the old layers and discovering the new ones, accepting changes and overcoming challenges. It's okay to remember the past, but not to live in it.

Life is a journey, and that journey does not consist of "moving sidewalks or walkways" that we can stand still on, resting on our past experiences as it takes us to our destination. You do know what the destination is, don't you?

As long as you are alive, there will be new experiences, opportunities to travel, people to meet, knowledge to learn, sights to see, music to dance to, hurdles to jump, goals to reach, losses to survive, and new traditions to create. Keep living, keep changing. You didn't come this far only to come this far!

So while you journey, accept change and take the different branches on your path. As for Wendy and me, we're getting take-out Chinese and eating Moosetracks ice cream for dessert. Oh, did I mention the bubble wrap? I bought enough bubble wrap from the Container Store to cover the living room floor. We're also going to crank up the music, fill our wine glasses and dance on the bubble wrap until all those little air bubbles are depleted (or we fall down in hysterical laughter) -  whichever comes first.

However you choose to divert from your usual path, I hope you have fun, learn, grow, love, create and keep living life to the fullest. After all, time is everything we have and don't.

See you on the Path!

When I was a young adult, I heard the expression, "When you stop growing, you die." It is something that has always stuck with me. Of course, it isn't necessarily meant to be taken literally. The gist of it coincides with the important point that Pat brings up: regardless of how difficult life is or the numerous challenges you face, you must keep living, changing and adapting. Pat sums up the idea perfectly when she says: "You didn't come this far only to come this far". We don't travel life in a straight single pathway. There are going to be numerous detours and dead ends along the way. The important point to remember is that we have to keep going, back tracking and trying new routes if necessary. Keep moving, keep growing! Keep living your life to the fullest!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Challenge #55 Top Picks: Voting Open February 12 to February 19, 2018


Hello there folks! For the first time in a long time, I am finally back on track with getting our Top Picks post published on its proper day and time! Big thanks to my team for getting their choices to me and a special thanks to Pat for getting the results all tabulated and starting this post for me!

We had a half decent month with 18 entries during the past challenge. Once again we had a situation where only five people stated that they followed the theme but in reality, the majority of entries did in fact use the colour blue in at least half of their project. Thankfully, with the colour challenges, it is a bit easier to figure out who followed the theme with a quick glance. However, it is still important to get into the habit of letting us know whether or not you followed the theme when you link up so that you can be included in the draw for the Most Inspirational Creation. We would hate to see you miss out on the chance for the prize and honour; so, be sure to add FT after your name if you in fact followed the theme.

Right now, it is time to get on with showcasing the seven projects and/or write-ups that touched the team the most. In case you are new and wondering why seven and not the typical three, four or even five? Any time that we have more than 14 entries, we have a top seven. We have always strived to be a bit different over here on the Path of Positivity and this is just another way to do so. Additionally, seven is a spiritual number and thus right in the wheelhouse of the vibe we are looking to project; so, seven it is when enough people join in.

Thus, without further ado, please let me introduce you to the Top Picks for Challenge #55...

Congrats Ladies... 

As a participant who has been chosen as a Top Pick in this challenge, 
you are entitled to a special Challenge #55 Top Pick Badge.
Please feel free to grab a copy for your blog...


Now the really hard work starts. It is time for you, our readers, to vote for your favourite entry. Which participant most inspires you? Remember, you are not necessarily voting on a creation that was made. You might simply find what the person had to say in their post to be inspiring and optimistic. Please be sure to go and check out the entries first and not just make your choices off of the thumbnails. Then, let us know who your favourite choice is by placing your vote below using the Linky Tools feature. Once you have made your decision, why not go back and let them know how they inspired you.

 Good luck everyone!

Voting open for 7 days:
February 12 through February 19

Path of Positivity--Challenge #55 Top Picks
Please click "like" to vote for your favourite entry for Challenge #55 out of the entries listed below. One vote per IP address please. Please note that you can get a better idea of what the project/post looks like by visiting each participant first. To do so, simply click the names below the thumbnails to be taken to the person's blog.

Vote Below:

*Likes: (2)*
*Likes: (1)*
*Likes: (16)*
*Likes: (1)*

This linky list is now closed.

Monday, February 05, 2018

Challenge #56--Optional Theme: SHADES OF RED...February 5th - March 4th

Hello everyone and welcome to the Path of Positivity Challenge Blog! It is the first Monday of the month and time for our new challenge to begin.

We continue now with our year long study of colour. Every challenge we have in 2018 will be dedicated to the theme of colour. Each month we will focus on a particular individual colour grouping (blue, red, yellow, etc.) or on a specific colour collection (pastels, metallics, etc.). Since colour is so important to our everyday lives, we thought this would be an interesting Path to explore.

In January, I presented a brief essay on how we are affected by colour, its impact on us, the symbolism of it, and the psychological effect it has on our everyday lives. If you are new to this series and would like to review this essay, or you would simply just like to refresh yourself on its details, you can find it by clicking HERE and scrolling down to the Title, "Theme Ideas for 2018".

Right now, it is time to get on with the details of our newest challenge. This time around, for Challenge #56, the optional theme* is "SHADES OF RED". Here is what you need to know...

The Basics

While you can find out ALL the information you need to know in order to participate in the challenge by checking out the 'Challenge Details' tab at the top of the page (or by clicking HERE), here is a refresher of the basics.
  • ALL entries must be positive, inspirational, motivational or encouraging in some nature. 
  • *Each month there will also be an OPTIONAL theme to follow. Participants must follow the optional  theme in order to win the prize for Most Inspirational. If you choose to follow the theme, please follow the instructions below to ensure that you are considered for this prize. 
  • ALL entries that abide by the general rules of the challenge, will be eligible to receive the Random Prize.
  • For both prizes, you can make any sort of project you'd like (i.e., scrapbooking page, card, tag, mixed media, digital, etc.). In fact, you don't have to create a project at all. You may just have something to say that is motivational or encouraging in some way, or a written passage that expounds on the nature of the theme. Project, written passage or both! It is completely up to you.

Now that the basics are out of the way, how about we get on with the details for Challenge #56.

Challenge #56

Optional Theme: SHADES OF RED

What kinds of thoughts and feelings do you think of when you think about the colour red? According to research, red happens to be one of the most complicated colours, as the mood conveyed shifts greatly depending on whether you lighten it or darken it.

Red is the colour of the heart, blood, and also fire. This contributes to the reasoning behind why the different shades of red evoke feelings of love, passion, vigour, desire and longing in some individuals. Red 'heats' the blood and 'stirs' our various passions. It has been know to increase our physical energy levels, raise our heart rate and blood pressure and also trigger the release of adrenalin into our system.

The colour red is also associated with the idea of strength, courage, bravery, determination and willpower. It stimulates our senses, propelling us to move and to take action. Red's association with these specific traits is often reflected in the world around. It is one of the reasons why so many flags have the colour red in them.  It is also the reason behind the traditional red power tie and the red carpet for important dignitaries, other VIPs and even celebrities.

For some people though, red has been known to arouse feelings of stress, anger, malice and aggression. Being surrounded by too much red can be known to stir these more negative aspects of the colour; so, it is important to be cautious about its potential effects when deciding on certain colour palettes for your surroundings.

As red is an extremely discernable colour, it focuses attention swiftly, prompting people to make rapid decisions. This is one of the reasons that fire trucks are usually painted red. It is also the reason why stop signs and stop lights use the colour red, and why emergency lights are this colour as well. In certain circumstances, when one sees red they are alerted to the fact there is a need to watch for danger.

This challenge, our focus is on different SHADES OF RED. We want to see a project that is at least 51% of the overall colour scheme. Your project doesn't need to be completely monochromatic so a spattering of other colours is fine. Just be sure that if you would like a chance to win the prize for the Most Inspirational Creation, over half of the colours in your project must be in the RED spectrum! The shades of red can be in the colours you choose to fill in your images with, and/or they can be in your choices of papers and embellishments. Just make sure that the majority of your project focuses on the varying shades of the red family of colours. We can't wait to see how you explore the theme in your designs!

If you do follow the optional theme, be sure to add FT after your name so that we include you in the draw for the prize for Most Inspirational. While it isn't mandatory, we'd also love to find out how this month's colour makes you feel, if you'd like to share that with us. What kinds of feelings does the colour RED personally evoke in you? You can write a sentence or two in the body of your post, write a sentence at the bottom of your post next to the link up for this challenge, or simply leave a comment on this post if you'd like.

Remember, in order to be considered eligible for this month's prizes, ALL creations must be positive, inspirational, motivational or encouraging in some nature. You don't need to follow the optional theme if you simply want to have a chance at the Random Draw prize of a $15 gift certificate from Ike's Art, one of our guest sponsors this month. You only need to follow the theme if you want a chance to win an additional sponsored prize of three (3) images from Pattie's Creations, the second of our guest sponsors this month, for the project chosen as Most Inspiring.

Talking of our guest sponsors...

This month we have two returning sponsors! It is time to refresh ourselves with the details of these wonderful companies.

First up is Ike's Art

Hi there – I am Ike……a nickname that I got hooked with many years ago due to my surname, and in my profession at that time, …… they just loved to give nicknames ☺.

I live in Greece and have a passion for kitties ☺

I am a complete nutter or should I say I’m ‘zany’ hahaha. I have a very strange/sick sense of humour and I must admit I spend a lot of time talking to myself. !! Well, I get more sense out of me.! I reckon in a few years I shall be known as the “crazy cat lady” ☺

I am an artist and have a strange mind when it comes to creating my art. I either go completely true to life… right down to the last hair… or I go totally surreal. I have a passion for all things horror/Gothic etc. I’ve always loved horror films and books and I guess that’s why it creeps into my stuff ! Had I been a bit younger I swear I would have been a Goth……luuuuuv it.  Next time around I am gonna be a witch or a cat ☺
I started my Blog 5 years ago and although I love crafting, my real passion is drawing, and now I just love making digital images.

Cat Lovers’ Challenge :

My Shop:

Below you will see the awesome images that team members used for their projects for the beginning of this challenge. Clicking on the watermarked images will take you to their location within the Ike's Art store...

Xmas Poinsettia

Little Miss Innocence - Not! 

Next, that brings us to Pattie's Creations...

I am an Internet Technology Professional and an Artist. I always dreamed of being an artist, but I found out quickly that I needed another field to support my family so I pursued a Degree in Information Technology. I love to use Adobe Photoshop and Fireworks to enhance my work. I just recently started selling my very own digital images and I am so excited to be here sponsoring this Challenge.
I created a character called Pattieboop and her cat named Allie. I have had so much fun coming up with different images so I also created a site to sell them. You can go to my store to find out more about Pattieboop & Allie. I know you will just love them when you see them.  

Etsy Store:  Challenge Blog:

Check out the wonderful images the team worked with for their projects for the beginning of this challenge. Clicking on the watermarked images will take you to their location within the Pattie's Creations store.

Hearts with Bow

Watering Can With Cosmos Flowers

Strawberry Love Heart

We are fortunate and blessed to have the chance to work with all these awesome items for the start of this challenge. Thanks so much to our fabulous sponsors. Be sure to come back at the midway when you'll get to see more beautiful projects created with items from these wonderful companies.

Now check out what my amazing design team came up with to inspire you. Clicking on each team member's name will take you to their blog where you can check out the details for their inspirational creations...

My amazing design team never disappoints! They each have their own unique styles and ideas. As always I am blown away by the quality of their projects! Each of these projects has showcased the various shades of the colour 'red' splendidly and I hope we have inspired you. Be sure to go and visit each of them so you can see how their project further connects to the theme.

So what are you waiting for? Create a project and/or post that is positive, inspirational, motivational or encouraging in some nature and join our link up. If you've opted to follow the theme of 'shades of red' for the chance to win the Most Inspirational prize, make sure that you add FT after your name so you can be included in the running for the prize. Remember, we'd also love to find out just how the colour red affects you, so be sure to lets us know if you can, somewhere in your post or come over and leave a comment. Easy, peasy!

If you have some time, please visit other people participating throughout the month. I've included the summary of the challenge details below. If you are new to this unique challenge, you can find out the impetus behind why I started it under the 'Introductions' tab and all the details you need to know in order to participate, in the 'Challenge Details' tab (both tabs located at the top of the blog).

I hope to see you back next Monday when voting will start on the Top Picks for Challenge #55. Hopefully, I will also have the chance to post the winner announcement for #54 sometime in the next week as well.

If you need some motivation to get you started, I've provided a quote for you, which you can find below.

Please be sure to click on it to bring it up into the lightbox in its proper size before saving it.

Credit Notes For This Creation:

© 2018, Lisa L. Décosse. PUO. However, you are allowed to use the sentiment on handmade projects that you intend to sell on a small scale basis provided credit is given. You also need to include a credit note and a link to this blog or my personal blog, Decosse's Dynamite Doodles, should you use any of my images in your creations and post them on your blog. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with my full terms of use found in the 'Download Instructions & T.O.U.' tab at the top of this page. Of important note:  Please do not share my images with family, friends, etc. Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Box®, 4-Shared®, etc. Instead, please direct people to my blog(s) so they can grab the image for themselves. If you would like to post a watermarked version of the image, please contact me to obtain one.

Additional Credit and Font Information:

Fonts used
Click on the font names to take you to a purchase or download location. The first font listed was purchased as part of a limited time bundle with extended licensing. The second font listed was free and may be used for commercial purposes. It is my understanding, that I am within my rights to use these fonts in my creations and offer them to others for free or for sale. Always check to make sure the terms haven't changed before using the font on something you sell.

You will notice that the sentiment may appear huge depending on what software program you download it into. You can always reduce the size without distorting the overall look.

Additional Elements
I have also used a banner image created by TWB Supply co via Craftbundles. As I obtained it under the previous licensing (prior to Feb. 1st, 2018), it may be used for commercial purposes.


Whether you are new and need to familiarize yourself with all the details, or a returning participant and just need to refresh yourself, you can always find out everything you need to know in order to enter this challenge in the 'Challenge Details' tab at the top of the page. I've provided a quick summary below. Please note that dates and times listed below are for this particular challenge only:
  • Each Path of Positivity challenge will remain open for approx. a full month. Entries for this challenge will be accepted from February 5th to March 4th, 2018.
  • Add your inspirational project or post using the link up below. You will be able to submit your entry until 11:59 p.m. on March 4th.
  • If you have chosen to follow the optional theme, you will need to add 'FT' after you name so we know which creations to add to the draw for the sponsor's prize for Most Inspirational. While it isn't mandatory, we'd also love to find out how this month's colour makes you feel, if you'd like to share that with us. What kinds of feelings does the colour RED personally evoke in you? You can write a sentence or two in the body of your post, write a sentence at the bottom of your post next to the link up for this challenge, or simply leave a comment on this post if you'd like.
  • Don't forget to come back throughout the month and visit others that have participated. 
  • You can link up a total of three (3) creations.
  • Voting for this challenge will begin once the top picks have been determined. There will be a separate post detailing those picks. You will then have the opportunity to vote on the creation or post that you have found to be the most inspirational of the chosen picks. 
  • For Challenge #56, prizes will be the following:
    • Three (3) images from Pattie's Creations, one of our guest sponsors this month, for the post or project that the team deems most inspiring of the bunch.
    • A $15 gift certificate from Ike's Art, the second of our guest sponsors this month, for a person chosen in a random draw based on all entrants.
    • One digital image from Creative Bug Digital SnapShots for each person chosen as a DT Delight.

If you ever have any questions be sure to EMAIL ME or just leave me a comment.

We look forward to seeing you participate!

Link Up Below:
If you have any problems linking up, please be sure to let me know by leaving a comment on this post.

Challenge #56--Optional Theme: SHADES OF RED
This is the place to link up something that you have created during the month that you consider positive, inspirational, motivational or encouraging in some nature. You will be able to submit entries to this collection up until March 4th at 11:59 pm. Be sure to add FT after your name if you followed the optional theme.  Please see above for all the rules and details. If you would like to be a Guest Designer in a future challenge, please add the letters GDT after your name.

This linky list is now closed.

Bourn, Jennifer. (2011). Color Meaning: Meaning of The Color Red. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2018. Grumman Bender, Rachel . (2013). How Color Affects Our Mood. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2018.
Oleson, Jacob. (2017). Red Color Meaning – The Color Red. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2018.
Author Unknown.. (2002). Color Wheel Pro - See Color Theory in Action. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2018.
Author Unknown. (2017). The Color Red. Available: Last accessed 4th Feb 2018.