Pat's muse paid her a visit this month. So, even though we're taking a challenge break on the blog, we're still going to pop in for an edition of Ponderings Along the Pathway, an exclusive feature over here on the Path of Positivity. The purpose of this column is to continue with the goal of this blog which is to create a space "designed to inspire, nurture and provide support for the soul by creating a positive path to follow, one project or post at a time". Providing some motivational introspection, is one way of achieving this goal.
This month, PAT is here to share her thoughts on the subject: GREEN IS NOT JUST A COLOR

There are lots of ways the word Green has been used. “Green with envy” and ”Wearin’ o’ the Green” (St. Patrick’s day) are just two of many phrases. My favorite? “Going Green”.
“Being good stewards of our environment
is the only way to ensure our future
for the coming generations.”
Every generation discovers new information the previous generation didn’t have. Cigarettes were a “cool” way to relax, baby formula was better for newborns than breast milk, etc., are some examples of “old thinking”. Today, we’ve learned that living the “cheap & disposable” life is harmful to the environment. But old habits die hard.
It’s time to step up, to follow a new direction that leads us down the path of our environmental future. Society is already changing its ways of doing things, but there are personal paths that can lead us to a Greener lifestyle.
Do you choose plastic or paper at stores that offer both?
Paper bags are made from recycled materials, but the best answer is to
use your own bags.
If you like to grill, are you using charcoal or a gas grill?
While gas grills emit carbon dioxide,
charcoal emits three times the carbon dioxide.
–Woman’s Day, March 2020
While gas grills emit carbon dioxide,
charcoal emits three times the carbon dioxide.
–Woman’s Day, March 2020
Do you wash dishes or use a dishwasher?
Depending on how you hand-wash your dishes, most dishwashers
use less water, especially newer, High Efficiency models.
-Woman’s Day, March 2020
use less water, especially newer, High Efficiency models.
-Woman’s Day, March 2020
There are hundreds of choices that can help a person lead a greener life. In the Kitchen, use glass containers for leftovers and storing pantry items instead of plastic. This keeps the food visible and less likely to be forgotten and eventually thrown out. In fact, plan at least one dinner using leftovers, or put a sticker on your leftovers that reminds you to use quickly. Using less paper products and storage containers over plastic baggies, and starting a compost pile are tops in my Green book. I have a tomato garden, and peelings, egg shells and coffee grounds go into the area over the winter, renewing the earth’s nutrients for the next crop of vegetables.
While disinfectant wipes are still difficult to find, I collect the leftover disinfectant liquid into one container, cut a roll of paper towels in half and ease it into the container. I’ve stretched my disinfectant wipes to an extra three containers before running out. Now I have a bottle of disinfectant, and use washable rags on most of the areas needing to be cleaned.
Using less water, keeping your own bags in the car when grocery shopping, and using essential oils instead of burning candles/spraying a room deodorizer are only a few choices I've made. I plan on making more every day. In fact, I challenge you to make a few simple changes starting right now:
- Buy shampoo/conditioner/laundry detergent in bulk, refilling the smaller containers as needed (saves money too)
- Wash your hair once every 2-3 days instead of every day (healthier hair, too)
- Upgrade to High Efficiency appliances when the older models break down/when you remodel (this includes a newer toilet that uses less water)
- Use your plastic straws for crafting, and buy reusable straws
- Make dinner using leftovers once a week for a month
- Buy food in bulk, separating and freezing for later (don’t forget to label packages)
- Start a vegetable garden (empowering both you and your kids)
- Wait until your dishwasher is full (most efficient water usage)
- Don’t toss electrical small appliances/computers/phones/TVs in the trash (older model phones and working appliances can be donated; computers/TVs can end up in landfills, leaking toxic chemicals into the earth)
- Craft using what you can’t donate or re-use
Awesome websites I’ve found:
You don’t have to make big changes to make a big change. Taking that first step is the important thing. Walking lightly on our planet is just like being a good guest. After all, if we are smart and stay on this new path, the world will continue on for many generations to come. See you on the Path…

One of the interesting things that has come out of this pandemic, a positive if you will, is that certain areas around the world produced way less pollution during lockdown. Did you happen to see the pictures of Venice where the waters were the clearest they have been in decades? Did you see any of the images taken from space that showed clear skies over China and other industrial locales?
It is amazing what kind of big changes are possible by starting off with smaller ones first. Beginning with small ones at home really can make a difference and help you reduce your carbon footprint! Good luck finding ways to make your own Path greener! It will mean a difference not only for your own household but for future generations to come!
Stay healthy and we'll see you again in August!