This month it is all about SERENDIPITY and PAT is here to share her thoughts on the subject...

Chances are, when you hear someone ask, “What are the chances that…?” you’re looking serendipity straight in the eye. Serendipity is defined as the “unsought, unintended and/or unexpected discovery, learning experience or good fortune.”
Life is full of serendipity, which I truly believe is destiny’s way of saying “Okay, your life is all planned out, except…” Or maybe it’s destiny giving you that ultimate ah-ha moment.
Whatever it is, I bless the times, small and large, in my life where serendipity had a hand…
…like when I was stationed at Fort Ord in the motor pool and my co-worker’s best friend just happened to be single and just happened to end up married to me for the past 38 years (large)…
…or when I passed up a primo parking spot at a busy WalMart to give it to an elderly couple, and when I found a spot, the car parked in front of me backed up and drove off, and I pulled up for a nice clean “getaway” after my shopping was finished (small).
Four-leaf clovers, rainbows, shootings stars--when you find them, check over your shoulder and you’ll see serendipity winking at you. When life hands you lemons, who do you think is there beside you with a pitcher and a lot of sugar (and a twinkle in her eye)? She knows better than you what you really need.
Serendipity is all about fortune, luck, providence, happy chance. So, the next time you miss that appointment, get stuck at a long light, trip over someone’s bag…be open to whatever comes your way. It may change your whole life, for the better!
That's all for now. You never know when our paths will cross, all because of a little serendipity!
P.S. Great movies that feature serendipity in action:
- Serendipity starring John Cusack
- Mr. Destiny starring Jim Belushi and Michael Caine
- Sleepless in Seattle starring Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks
- Big Business starring Bette Midler and Lily Tomlin
- What’s Up, Doc? With Barbara Streisand and Ryan O’Neal
- (Even the classic Little Women has its serendipitous moments)
Please be sure to pop over to Pat's personal blog, Patacake Pages, for more inspiration. That is it for today but please be sure to stop by on Monday when we post the top picks for Challenge #23.
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