Thanks to everyone who took the time to join along our Path during the month of May for Challenge #26. Interestingly, this month there was a split between two particular creations. Check it out the two entries that really caught our attention...
Teresa--chosen by Desíre, Pat & Suze...
Here is what Desíre had to say:
"My DT delight is Teresa. The mixed media canvas with the photo of her Dad is beautifully done with a great measure of attention to detail."
This is what Pat had to say:
"My DT delight is also Teresa. I Love Teresa’s Mixed media canvas honoring her dad. The colors are rich and masculine, and I can almost feel the texture just by looking at it."
Here is what Suze had to say:
"My DT delight is Teresa as well. I love all the textures on the canvas and the colours complement the image beautifully."

Vicky had this to say:
"My DT delight would have to be Katrina because I totally admire all the perseverance that they have shown to help their son make it to where he is now! My hat off to the parents and for their son who showed everyone that he could do it!!!!"
Penny said this:
"My DT delight is also Katrina. I absolutely love the entire design--so beautifully-balanced, love the fabulous palette and papers, great embellishments, and wonderful photo of her son! Very well-done!"
Sandy said this:
"My DT delight is Katrina too. It just bubbles love and such great pride!"
Here is what Monica had to say:
"My DT delight is Katrina as well. Loved her story about her son. A true inspiration for perseverance."
This is what I had to say:
My DT delight is also Katrina. What she wrote about her son is an absolutely wonderful testament to the concept of perseverance. Katrina and her husband have every reason to be proud of their son's accomplishments. Part of my career was working with college students who had learning disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorder and many of the students I worked with went through similar hardships as children. It is incredibly fulfilling to see anyone who has struggled with learning, to succeed in such a spectacular way. I'm so very grateful that Katrina shared her story with us.

Creative Congratulations to all of you!
For our DT Delights chosen for this challenge...
Teresa and Katrina
You are all entitled to one image of your choice from our on-going sponsor...
Please head to the Creative Bug Digital SnapShots store: Click to enter the digital snapshots area. Once you are on the homepage for the digis, scroll down a little bit and you'll see a brown banner on the left hand side that says, "looking for digis". There will be a Polaroid image right underneath it that says SnapShots (Digital Images). Click on this. You'll be taken to a page that lists all the categories of images available for you to choose from. If you need to see the image a bit closer, just right click and choose 'view image'. Once you've made your decision, please send me the name of the one image you want and let me know which section it came from.
Additionally, you are entitled to the special Challenge #26 DT Delight Badge. To claim both your digi and the badge (or just one or the other), send your requests to popwinners {at} gmail {dot} com (be sure to replace at and dot with the appropriate symbols) or by clicking HERE to bring the address up in your email program, with the subject, "PoP#26--DT Delight Badge and/or Digi Request". I'm always running a bit behind these days, this month more than usual (of course I said that last month as well, didn't I), so your patience is appreciated.
Our special yearly prize package will also still be taking place. Remember, if you are chosen as a DT Delight during any of our challenges, your name will be entered into a draw for some digital goodies. You get one entry per choice; so, if two members picked your card, you will earn 2 entries, three members 3 entries, etc. The winner at the time will be notified by email. The next draw will occur sometime in the summer of 2015.
Thank you for stopping by today. I hope to see you again next Monday, July 6th, when we will be back with the start of Challenge #28. We hope that you will join us then to learn what the newest theme will be.
See you again soon!