Friday, December 29, 2017

Ponderings Along the Pathway...FESTIVITY

Hello folks! I hope that you are all enjoying this wonderful holiday season. It is so important to spend as much time as we can with our loved ones and the holidays provide the perfect excuse to get together with family and friends.

Welcome to this month's edition of Ponderings Along the Pathway, an exclusive feature over here on the Path of Positivity. The purpose of this column is to continue with the goal of this blog which is to create a space "designed to inspire, nurture and provide support for the soul by creating a positive path to follow, one project or post at a time". Providing some motivational introspection on the themes we cover each challenge period is one way of achieving this goal.

This month it is all about FESTIVITY and PAT is here to share her thoughts on the subject...

There's a reason why people gather together to celebrate life's milestone's. From the day you are born, your life has been celebrated. Birthdays, holidays, graduations, promotions, weddings, anniversaries, new homes, and retirements.

It's difficult not to be festive with all the celebrations going on, but then again, why shouldn't you be festive?

A good mood not only gives your energy level a surge and your confidence a boost, but it's contagious. Try staying gloomy in a roomful of festive people - almost impossible. And have you ever tried NOT to laugh when everyone around you is giggling or laughing hysterically? It's contagious!

Sometimes you need festivities to pull you out of a funk. My girlfriend got some scary news and is awaiting a test this week. So, what are we doing to pull her out of that deep well of worry? Going to our fave restaurant for lunch and gossiping and giggling!

This year has been tough for me to be festive, especially around the holidays. I lost my hubby of 40 years a few months ago. But he loved Christmas, the family gatherings, the fuss and the fun and the food. So I'm working at keeping my head above the dark waters by continuing to host Christmas dinner with the family and friends we've always invited.

(photo credit by Camille Martin)

And in the Spring, when the snow is melted and the sun is warmer, I'm inviting all his friends over for a memorial - a celebration of his life. He loved sitting in the sun on the new deck, so it will be in the backyard, low-key but festive. Just the way he would have liked it.

Nowadays, I try to celebrate any little thing. Whether I reach a fitness goal, bake a perfect batch of muffins, or finish a difficult pondering, my path is full of festivities that celebrate each step I take, each leap I make, each stumble I recover from, each new friend I meet along the way.

I hope your path is filled with the same, and you stop to recognize the many celebrations in your own life. Throw confetti along the path for the next person to discover and smile at. Keep walking. I hope to see you on our wanderings.

Happy Holidays!
Pat brings up the point, that it is important that we find ways to celebrate even during the hard times. Though it can be extremely difficult to keep going after the loss of someone very special to us, life has a tendency to continue on and we must continue on with it. Otherwise...well it is probably best not to think otherwise. Once we head down a dark path it is often very difficult to find the light again.

The phrase 'one day at a time' or sometimes more appropriately, 'one moment at a time' is the best approach to take. Like Pat, we need to celebrate all the little festivities and accomplishments, even if they seem silly. One day those little celebrations will lead to bigger ones and our journey will become an easier one to travel.

Life is filled with challenges and as we embark on a new year filled with new possibilities, I wish you strength, courage, and of course, much joy, as you walk your own Path of Positivity this coming year!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Challenge #54 Midway--Optional Theme: FESTIVITY

Hello folks! It is the third Monday of the month and that means that it is time to present the midway for Challenge #54.

As we are a unique kind of challenge blog, please be sure to check out the START POST FOUND HERE, for all the rules and details you need to know in order to enter. For now, here is a refresher of what our theme is all about:

Challenge #54

Optional Theme:  FESTIVITY

As one looks around, it is plainly visible that the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season is most decidedly here! Whether you celebrate Chanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Festivus or another holiday or occasion celebrated during the month of December, the feeling of festivity is definitely in the air; and, it is that feeling of FESTIVITY that we'd like you to capture on your creations this month. With the joy and wonder of the holiday season surrounding us, it is the perfect time to apply that to your designs.

If you would like a chance to win the prize for the Most Inspirational Creation, the challenge this month is to create something FESTIVE! Whether you choose to create a Christmas or other holiday card, decide to design some gift tags or boxes, or choose to create some sort of holiday decorations, it is totally up to you. We can't wait to see how you explore the theme of festivity in your designs!

If you do follow the optional theme, be sure to add FT after your name so that we include you in the draw for the prize for Most Inspirational. Remember, we also ask that you please leave a comment letting us know how your creation relates to the concept of festivity, if it isn't clearly written somewhere else in your post. While you may easily see how your creation ties into the theme, it may not be as apparent to me or the DT members. That is why we ask that you clarify it somewhere, whether here or in your blogpost. You can simply write a sentence or paragraph at the bottom of your post next to the link up for this challenge, if it would be easier. We just need to know how your project ties into the theme. Letting us know, clears up any ambiguity that may exist.

Remember, in order to be considered eligible for this month's prizes, ALL creations must be positive, inspirational, motivational or encouraging in some nature. You don't need to follow the optional theme if you simply want to have a chance at the Random Draw prize of a $20 gift certificate from NS Designs (aka Kitten Stamps), one of our guest sponsors this month. You only need to follow the theme if you want a chance to win an additional sponsored prize of a $12 gift certificate from Bugaboo Stamps, the second of our guest sponsors this month, for the project chosen as Most Inspiring.

Talking of our guest sponsors...

To learn more about this month's guest sponsors, be sure to check out the START post; and of course, also pay each of these generous companies a visit. Below, you will find the watermarks for the sets and/or images that the team worked with for the midway. Just click on any watermark to find that set's or image's location in its respective store.

From NS Designs 
(aka Kitten Scraps)...

Winter's Playground Kit
Winter's Playground Kit

Beary Christmas Digi Stamps
Beary Christmas DigiStamps {CU}

Winter's Playground Paper Pack
Winter's Playground Paper Pack-Patterns

Hoppy Christmas

 Two Snowmen
Digi Singles - Digi Stamps

Ava and Deacon Merry Christmas
Digi stamps/word art,Ava and Deacon Merry Christmas,Bugaboo Stamps,

Snowman Couple
Digi Singles,BUGSC01 Snowman couple,Bugaboo Stamps,

Thank you so much to these awesome companies for allowing us the opportunity to work with such incredible images throughout the challenge! Please pop over and pay a visit. You might just find the perfect image or set you are looking for!!!

To help inspire you further down the path of FESTIVITY, check out the wonderful projects my Design Team had the opportunity to create. Clicking on each team member's name will take you to their blog where you can check out further details on their inspirational creations.

Thanks again to my incredible design team! As always, each of them have their own unique styles and ideas which amaze me to no end. Each of these projects has showcased the concept of festivity, in various forms and manners and I hope we have inspired you throughout this challenge. Be sure to go and visit these talented ladies so you can see how their projects tie in to the theme.

Why not join us, if you haven't entered already? Create a project and/or post that is positive, inspirational, motivational or encouraging in some nature and join our link up. If you've opted to follow the theme of festivity, for the chance to win the Most Inspirational prize, provide an explanation of how your project and/or post relates to the theme somewhere in your post or come over and leave a comment with the explanation. Also, don't forget to leave FT after your name so we know to include you in the running for the prize. Easy, peasy! You can enter our latest challenge by clicking HERE.

Also, I know that the participants would love for you to go and pay them a visit. Remember we're creating a Path of Positivity to follow one project at a time and we'd love to see you somewhere on that route even if it is just by leaving a comment on an entry from someone who has touched you somehow with their project and/or post!

Don't Forget...

You have until 11:59 p.m. SATURDAY to vote on your favourite entry for Challenge #53.  Voting is quick, easy and painless so I hope you will consider casting your vote if you haven't already. Winners for challenge #53 will be posted sometime next week. While Monday is our regular posting day, it also happens to be Christmas Day so I won't be posting the winner announcement until later in the week. You can find the Top Picks post HERE.


If you need some motivation to get you started, I've provided a quote for you, which you can find below. Please note that this is the same quote that was offered at the start of the challenge.

Please be sure to click on it to bring it up into the lightbox in its proper size before saving it.

Credit Notes For This Creation:
© 2017, Lisa L. Décosse. PUO. However, you are allowed to use the sentiment on handmade projects that you intend to sell on a small scale basis provided credit is given. You also need to include a credit note and a link to this blog or my personal blog, Decosse's Dynamite Doodles, should you use any of my images in your creations and post them on your blog. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with my full terms of use found in the 'Download Instructions & T.O.U.' tab at the top of this page. Of important note:  Please do not share my images with family, friends, etc. Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Box®, 4-Shared®, etc. Instead, please direct people to my blog(s) so they can grab the image for themselves. If you would like to post a watermarked version of the image, please contact me to obtain one.

Additional Credit and Font Information:

Fonts used
Click on the font names to take you to a download or purchase location. The first font listed was purchased with extended licensing. The second font is free and may be used for commercial purposes. It is my understanding, that I am within my rights to use these fonts in my creations and offer them to others for free or for sale. Always check to make sure the terms haven't changed before using the font on something you sell.

You will notice that the sentiment may appear huge depending on what software program you download it into. You can always reduce the size without distorting the overall look.

Whether you are new and need to familiarize yourself with all the details, or a returning participant and just need to refresh yourself, you can find out the impetus behind why I started this challenge under the 'Introductions' tab and all the details you need to know in order to participate, in the 'Challenge Details' tab (both tabs located at the top of the blog). Additionally, you can find a quick summary of the details related to this challenge, towards the bottom of the start post. 

 Click HERE to head to the current challenge post & link up!

Please show your support to our wonderful guest sponsors by going over and checking out their work and saying hi if you have the chance. As mentioned above, this month our guest sponsors are...

Our ongoing sponsors include...


  If you ever have any questions be sure to EMAIL ME or just leave me a comment.

We look forward to seeing you participate!

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Challenge #53 Top Picks: Voting Open December 16th to 23rd, 2017


Oh dear! Apologies for the lateness of this post. I've been under the weather the majority of the week and as a result haven't had a chance to publish the Top Picks post until now.

Only six of you joined us during the past challenge. Now while nobody stated that they followed the theme, the majority of entries did in fact connect to music somehow. Remember, it is really important to let us know whether or not you followed the theme when you link up so that you can be included in the draw for the Most Inspirational Creation. We would hate to see you miss out on the chance for the prize and honour; so, be sure to add FT after your name if you in fact followed the theme.

As we only had six entries this time around, each of the entrants have the opportunity to be chosen as the Voter's Choice. We do this any time we have less than 14 participants. And, while we may not have enough participants to have a top seven, we certainly have enough to have a top three. Therefore, it is time to get on with showcasing the projects and/or write-ups that touched the team the most.

Thus, without further ado, please let me introduce you to the Top Picks for Challenge #53...

Congrats Nancy & Debi... 

As a participant who has been chosen as a Top Pick in this challenge, 
you are entitled to a special Challenge #53 Top Pick Badge.
Please feel free to grab a copy for your blog...


Now as I mentioned earlier, each of the participants who entered Challenge #53 AND FOLLOWED THE  RULES is eligible to have their project and/or post voted on. It is time for you, our readers, to vote for your favourite entry. Which participant most inspires you? Remember, you are not necessarily voting on a creation that was made. You might simply find what the person had to say in their post to be inspiring and optimistic. Please be sure to go and check out the entries first and not just make your choices off of the thumbnails. Then, let us know who your favourite choice is by placing your vote below using the Linky Tools feature (order is reflective of how they entered the challenge and nothing else). Once you have made your decision, why not go back and let them know how they inspired you.

Voting open for 7 days:
December 16th to
December 23rd

Path of Positivity--Challenge #53 Top Picks
Please click "like" to vote for your favourite entry for Challenge #53 out of the entries listed below. One vote per IP address please. Please note that you can get a better idea of what the project/post looks like by visiting each participant first. To do so, simply click the names below the thumbnails to be taken to the person's blog. 

*Likes: (1)*
*Likes: (1)*
*Likes: (1)*
*Likes: (3)*
*Likes: (1)*

This linky list is now closed.

Good luck everyone!

Monday, December 04, 2017

Challenge #54--Optional Theme: FESTIVITY...December 4th to December 31st

Hello everyone and welcome to the Path of Positivity Challenge Blog! It is the first Monday of the month and time for our new challenge to begin.

This time around, for Challenge #54, the optional theme* is "FESTIVITY". Here is what you need to know...

The Basics

While you can find out ALL the information you need to know in order to participate in the challenge by checking out the 'Challenge Details' tab at the top of the page (or by clicking HERE), here is a refresher of the basics.
  • ALL entries must be positive, inspirational, motivational or encouraging in some nature. 
  • *Each month there will also be an OPTIONAL theme to follow. Participants must follow the optional  theme in order to win the prize for Most Inspirational. If you choose to follow the theme, please follow the instructions below to ensure that you are considered for this prize. 
  • All entries that abide by the general rules of the challenge, will be eligible to receive the Random Prize.
  • For both prizes, you can make any sort of project you'd like (i.e., scrapbooking page, card, tag, mixed media, digital, etc.). In fact, you don't have to create a project at all. You may just have something to say that is motivational or encouraging in some way, or a written passage that expounds on the nature of the theme. Project, written passage or both! It is completely up to you.
Now that the basics are out of the way, how about we get on with the details of Challenge #54.

Challenge #54

Optional Theme:  FESTIVITY

As one looks around, it is plainly visible that the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season is most decidedly here! Whether you celebrate Chanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Festivus or another holiday or occasion celebrated during the month of December, the feeling of festivity is definitely in the air; and, it is that feeling of FESTIVITY that we'd like you to capture on your creations this month. With the joy and wonder of the holiday season surrounding us, it is the perfect time to apply that to your designs.

If you would like a chance to win the prize for the Most Inspirational Creation, the challenge this month is to create something FESTIVE! Whether you choose to create a Christmas or other holiday card, decide to design some gift tags or boxes, or choose to create some sort of holiday decorations, it is totally up to you. We can't wait to see how you explore the theme of festivity in your designs!

If you do follow the optional theme, be sure to add FT after your name so that we include you in the draw for the prize for Most Inspirational. Remember, we also ask that you please leave a comment letting us know how your creation relates to the concept of festivity, if it isn't clearly written somewhere else in your post. While you may easily see how your creation ties into the theme, it may not be as apparent to me or the DT members. That is why we ask that you clarify it somewhere, whether here or in your blogpost. You can simply write a sentence or paragraph at the bottom of your post next to the link up for this challenge, if it would be easier. We just need to know how your project ties into the theme. Letting us know, clears up any ambiguity that may exist.

Remember, in order to be considered eligible for this month's prizes, ALL creations must be positive, inspirational, motivational or encouraging in some nature. You don't need to follow the optional theme if you simply want to have a chance at the Random Draw prize of a $20 gift certificate from NS Designs (aka Kitten Stamps), one of our guest sponsors this month. You only need to follow the theme if you want a chance to win an additional sponsored prize of a $12 gift certificate from Bugaboo Stamps, the second of our guest sponsors this month, for the project chosen as Most Inspiring.

Talking of our guest sponsors...

This month we have two returning sponsors! It is time to refresh ourselves with the details of these wonderful companies.

First up is Bugaboo Stamps
Everything That You Ever Wanted to Know About
Bugaboo Stamps: A Short Essay
As if raising five children in the frozen land of the North was not enough of a challenge, Jodie Mackrell decided to dip her cold little Canadian toes into the world of papercrafting by opening an online store full of her illustrations. That was seven years ago. Today Bugaboo Stamps is one of the leading companies in digital images, and we're still growing!  From seriously snarky to sugary sweet to sublimely soulful all the way over to the other side of the super sexy spectrum, you're bound to find all that you need and more to create your paper projects.  Jodie works very hard to provide New Releases and Freebies every week!

Check out the awesome images the team worked with for their projects for the beginning of this challenge. Clicking on the watermarks will take you to their location in the store.

Peace Love Joy Angel
Word art/ Sentiments,Digi Singles,BUGSPLJANGEL,Bugaboo Stamps,

 Two Snowmen
Digi Singles - Digi Stamps

JJ Xmas Cheer - Deck the Halls
Digi Singles,JJ Xmas Cheer - deck the halls,Bugaboo Stamps,

Next, that brings us to NS Designs 
(aka Kitten Scraps)...
My name is Nathalie and I design under the name of NS Designs and KittenScraps.  I began scrapping as a way to fill in my spare time while learning Photoshop and was quickly hooked on creating kits to scrap my photo’s.  I enjoy offering S4H/S4O kits that are family friendly and easy and fun to use.  My online store offer’s a variety of digital scrapbooking kits, Commercial Use Templates, Elements and Clip Art and coming soon SVG Files for your cutting machine.

In my spare time I enjoy knitting, and embroidery,  gardening and travelling.  I’m the mother of 4 grown kids and 3 also, grown step kids as well as Aunt Nathalie to 3 adorable-yet mischievous, little boys whom I love to scrap.  Scrapbooking for me is not just a business-I feel each memory that is scrapped is it’s own treasure and strive to offer quality digital products that will help you create the perfect layout for your photos.

Come check out my blog and Facebook page  where I offer layout idea’s and the occasional  freebie and while your there stop by my store to check out the latest kits, CU items and SVG Files.

Check out the great kits the team worked with for their projects for the beginning of this challenge. Clicking on the watermarks below will take you to their location in the store.

Winter's Playground Bundle
Winter's Playground Bundle

Baby's First Christmas
 Baby's First Christmas ClipArt {CU}

We are fortunate and blessed to have the chance to work with all these awesome images for the start of this challenge. Thanks so much to our fabulous sponsors. Be sure to come back at the midway when you'll get to see more beautiful projects created with images from these wonderful companies.

Now check out what my amazing design team came up with to inspire you. Clicking on each team member's name will take you to their blog where you can check out the details for their inspirational creations...

My amazing design team never disappoints! They each have their own unique styles and ideas. As always I am blown away by the quality of their projects! Each of these projects has showcased the concept of 'festivity' in various forms and manners and I hope we have inspired you. Be sure to go and visit each of them so you can see how their projects further connect to the theme.

So what are you waiting for? Create a project and/or post that is positive, inspirational, motivational or encouraging in some nature and join our link up. If you've opted to follow the theme of 'festivity' for the chance to win the Most Inspirational prize, provide an explanation of how your project and/or post relates to the theme somewhere in your post or come over and leave a comment with the explanation. Easy, peasy!

If you have some time, please visit other people participating throughout the month. I've included the summary of the challenge details below. If you are new to this unique challenge, you can find out the impetus behind why I started it under the 'Introductions' tab and all the details you need to know in order to participate, in the 'Challenge Details' tab (both tabs located at the top of the blog).

I hope to see you back next Monday when voting will start on the Top Picks for Challenge #53.


If you need some motivation to get you started, I've provided a quote for you, which you can find below.

Please be sure to click on it to bring it up into the lightbox in its proper size before saving it.

Credit Notes For This Creation:
© 2017, Lisa L. Décosse. PUO. However, you are allowed to use the sentiment on handmade projects that you intend to sell on a small scale basis provided credit is given. You also need to include a credit note and a link to this blog or my personal blog, Decosse's Dynamite Doodles, should you use any of my images in your creations and post them on your blog. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with my full terms of use found in the 'Download Instructions & T.O.U.' tab at the top of this page. Of important note:  Please do not share my images with family, friends, etc. Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Box®, 4-Shared®, etc. Instead, please direct people to my blog(s) so they can grab the image for themselves. If you would like to post a watermarked version of the image, please contact me to obtain one.

Additional Credit and Font Information:

Fonts used
Click on the font names to take you to a download or purchase location. The first font listed was purchased with extended licensing. The second font is free and may be used for commercial purposes. It is my understanding, that I am within my rights to use these fonts in my creations and offer them to others for free or for sale. Always check to make sure the terms haven't changed before using the font on something you sell.

You will notice that the sentiment may appear huge depending on what software program you download it into. You can always reduce the size without distorting the overall look.


Whether you are new and need to familiarize yourself with all the details, or a returning participant and just need to refresh yourself, you can always find out everything you need to know in order to enter this challenge in the 'Challenge Details' tab at the top of the page. I've provided a quick summary below. Please note that dates and times listed below are for this particular challenge only:
  • Each Path of Positivity challenge will remain open for approx. a full month. Entries for this challenge will be accepted from December 4th to December 31st, 2017.
  • Add your inspirational project or post using the link up below. You will be able to submit your entry until 11:59 p.m. on December 31st.
  • If you have chosen to follow the optional theme, you will need to let us know what it is about your project or post that you feel is inspirational  / positive / motivational and how it fits into the theme. Please include this information somewhere within your post. You can simply add a sentence or two at the bottom of your post right next to the link for this challenge if you want. Or, if this isn't possible, come over and leave us a comment on the start post. You must also add 'FT' after you name so we know which creations to add to the draw for the sponsor's prize for Most Inspirational.
  • Don't forget to come back throughout the month and visit others that have participated. 
  • You can link up a total of three (3) creations.
  • Voting for this challenge will begin once the top picks have been determined. There will be a separate post detailing those picks. You will then have the opportunity to vote on the creation or post that you have found to be the most inspirational of the chosen picks. 
  • For Challenge #54, prizes will be the following:
    • A $12 gift certificate from Bugaboo Stamps, one of our guest sponsors this month, for the post or project that the team deems most inspiring of the bunch.
    • A $20 gift certificate from NS Designs, the second of our guest sponsors this month, for a person chosen in a random draw based on all entrants.
    • One digital image from Creative Bug Digital SnapShots for each person chosen as a DT Delight.

If you ever have any questions be sure to EMAIL ME or just leave me a comment.

We look forward to seeing you participate!

Link Up Below:
If you have any problems linking up, please be sure to let me know by leaving a comment on this post.

Challenge #54--Optional Theme: FESTIVITY
This is the place to link up something that you have created during the month that you consider positive, inspirational, motivational or encouraging in some nature. You will be able to submit entries to this collection up until December 31st at 11:59 pm. Be sure to add FT after your name if you followed the optional theme.  Please see above for all the rules and details. If you would like to be a Guest Designer in a future challenge, please add the letters GDT after your name.

This linky list is now closed.