Monday, June 10, 2024

Ch. #121 Top Picks


Hello folks! I hope that your Path this past week has included a number of positive moments along the route and that you and your families are all doing your best to stay healthy and happy. It is Katrina here filling in for Lisa.
It is time to present the top picks from the last challenge. Since we had 42 awesome entries in Challenge #121 (click HERE to see the original challenge with the optional twist of The Power of Words: ART/CREATIVITY), it is time to get on with showcasing the seven projects and/or write-ups that touched the team the most. In case you are new and wondering why seven and not the typical three, four or even five? Any time that we have more than 14 entries, we have a top seven (with 14 entries or under we just have a top three). We always strive to be a bit different over here on the Path of Positivity and this is just another way to do so. Additionally, seven is a spiritual number and thus right in the wheelhouse of the vibe we are looking to project; so, seven it is when enough people join in. 
Thus, without further ado, please let me introduce you to the Top Picks for Challenge #121 (please note that projects will not be framed this month).…

 Pauline C

   Vivian F



  Pauline C


 Congrats Ladies... 
As a participant who has been chosen as a Top Pick in this challenge, 
you are entitled to a special Challenge #121 Top Pick Badge.
Please feel free to grab a copy for your blog...

Well, that is it for this one. Please join us again on June 17th (as long as everything goes according to plan), when we will be back with our midway. 
Do your best to continue stay safe, healthy and positive out there in your daily life and hopefully we'll see you all again soon!!!

Until next time,


Betta said...

Thank you!!!!
Thank YOU soooooooooooo much!!!!!
I'm very very happy!!!

Kym Decker said...

Ohhhhh my goodness! Thank you for picking my art to be in the Top Picks!! What a compliment and to be in the same company with such a prestigious and talented group of artists!! You really made my day! This challenge has helped me so much to look for the positive in what I do and I am so grateful that you have this challenge and allow us to share our feelings and our art with so many people! Sending many hugs!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!