Once again, thanks to all of you who took the time to join along our Path last month for Challenge #7. While it was definitely a difficult decision, there were three creations in particular that really stood out and inspired us this month...

Ike said this:
"I loved the colours, the
beautiful face was so serene and I could look at it for ages trying to
figure out what she was thinking. I especially liked the crumpled
flowers and beautiful sentiment. A very calming and uplifting creation."
This is what Suze had to say:
"I chose #28 as my favourite for the following reasons. I loved the way the quote tied in with the music paper she used on the project. I also liked how she built up the face image from something plain to something that is so beautiful. The idea of using Tyvek for the flowers was such an inspired choice and created a lovely end result."
To see the details of Julie's card and read more of what she had to say, click HERE.
Annie--chosen by Vicky, Desíre, Samara and Sandy...
Vicky had this to say:
"My favourite is Annie's and it's because of this paragraph, she reminded me with this the biggest reason why we hope... In this case she's had so far another 10 years with her dad. And of course she also is hoping for a better world for all of those suffering... which is so important":
"I guess some of us in one way or another have had the horrible experience of cancer, whether in ourselves or our loved ones or friends. My dad, whom you must all know by now, had bowel cancer at the age of 91. As his MPO I had to make the decision as to whether we operated and took the risk of him dying or let him die with pain within two weeks. I chose the operation and well, you all know he is alive, happy and relatively healthy, body and mind and is nearly 101. So HOPE is always with us. That's why we all unite on cyber space as Blogging Buddies...it keeps us alive. Here is my contribution to some challenges in HOPE that those who are suffering get peace of mind, body and soul."Desíre chose the card because she was moved by the exact same paragraph that Vicky was.
"I felt Annie showed a brilliance of vulnerability in her post and by doing that really exposed the depth of HOPE to all those who came to comment on her card, and to all those who read her post through entering The Path of Positivity Challenge. Annie shared her personal challenge with her dad and the challenge she herself faced as his decision maker in the situation. She not only highlighted the story of one with cancer, but she also highlighted the angst one can go through as a family member of one who is faced with cancer. She also shared how cancer can journey through to a success story and I felt this was eternally important to see, particularly on our Challenge. She brought such Positivity to us, in the midst of such a grave initial situation. That spoke volumes. Not only did she create a stellar piece of art, without any doubt, but again, she let us into her personal journal with it. She took us on her map of each piece of her art, her embellishments etc. by telling us what each piece meant to her. I could really visualize the art as it was created, not only look at a gorgeous creation. At the end of reading her piece and seeing her piece, I felt like Annie shared her soul with us, epitomizing the depth of the meaning of HOPE. A pretty outstanding experience sojourning with her!"
Here is what Sandy had to say:
"Annie said it all by sharing her story of Hope…her & her family didn’t give up Hope – pretty darn cool…"
To see the details of Annie's card and read more of what she had to say, click HERE.

To see the details of Mimi's project and read more of what she had to say, click HERE.
Thank you to everyone who played on our Pathway during the month of October. You all did a wonderful job. The time and energy that went into each of these creations is evident. Now if you were chosen as a DT Delight, then we have a special treat for you. Not only are you eligible for a special DT Delight badge, we will also be having a draw at the end of our first year for a special package of digital goodies. So, if you are chosen as a DT Delight during any of our challenges, your name will be entered into the draw. You get one entry per choice; so, if two members picked your card, you will earn 2 entries, three members 3 entries, etc. The draw will take place around the anniversary of when the Path of Positivity came into existence which will put the draw date sometime in April 2014. The winner at the time will be notified by email. In the interim you are more than welcome to copy your framed card above and add it to your blog to share with all your readers; and, don't forget to EMAIL ME for a copy of the special Challenge #7 DT Delight Badge.
Thank you for stopping by today. We hope that you will join us again tomorrow to learn what the newest theme for Challenge #9 will be.
You have a wonderful caring DT...plus you know how to bring tears to my eyes...at the moment I not only have issues with my dad but a son on drugs.....another story...love annie xxx
Congrats to the DT Picks.
Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}
I would like to thank Ike and Suze for leaving such a lovely comment for me! And thank you to the whole team for running such a wonderful challenge! Hugs Julie xox
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