Before we start, I just want to apologize for the delay in getting this post out. Last week was one of the busiest weeks I think I've ever experienced, having to post 15 posts (across five different blogs) over the course of five days--10 on Friday alone. As such, there was unfortunately no way to get this posted in its usual spot on Sunday. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. It is a good thing that there is no challenge in July (I'll be doing a quick separate post to let everyone know tomorrow) or I'd really be in trouble!
Anyway, it is time to share our favourite entries for Challenge #38. As always, in each challenge you, the readers, get to voice your opinion by voting for your favourite and so it is only fitting that my Design Team get to do so as well.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to join along our Path during the month of May for Challenge #38. Check out the entries that really caught our attention...

Jennifer--chosen by Katrina and Julie...
Katrina said this:
"My DT Delight is Jennifer. I could feel the sadness in this card; that image with its light coloring surrounded by the dark, complex background told a story for me...and that quote is perfect":
"It may not be ok today. It may not be ok tomorrow. But it WILL be ok."Julie had this to say:
"My DT Delight is also Jennifer. Her sentiment fits our empathy theme so well. I found that saying very moving. I also loved her mixed media background. This piece is beautiful."

Deb--chosen by Pat...
This is what Pat had to say:
"My DT Delight is Deb. I love the affirmation and how she perceived it, and the way she colored her page."
Susan--chosen by Suze and Pippa...
Suze said this:
"My DT Delight is Susan's first entry. This project is beautifully coloured and layered."
Here is what Pippa had to say:
"My DT Delight is also Susan's first entry. I love the unusual shape to her card and her colouring is wonderful. The whole composition is so good, it's one your eye is drawn to and you want to go and look at it again and again."
Susan--chosen by Lisa (that's me)...
My DT Delight this time around is Susan--her second entry. While both entries are lovely, there is just something about this one that resonates with me. I'm drawn to the overall shapes created and presented on the black backdrop. The red colours simply pop and the touch of yellow and green compliment beautifully. Sympathy cards are very difficult to do but Susan has created a lovely one here.
Susan talks about how important empathy is and how she definitely feels that is one quality she has in spades. She also talks about the importance of passing on this trait to her children and hopes that she has been successful in doing so.
It is important that the children of today have models to show them how to live an empathetic life. This is a trait sorely needed in this world of ours. I'm glad that Susan's kids have her as model. Hopefully, they themselves will continue to model empathy to those they come in contact with creating a ripple effect of understanding and compassion along the way.
Creative Congratulations to all of you!
For our DT Delights chosen for this challenge...
Jennifer, Deb and Susan
You are all entitled to one image of your choice from our on-going sponsor...
Please click HERE to check out the image previews. They are arranged into general categories; although, due to the nature of some of these images, they have been repeated in certain applicable categories. Be sure to click on the watermarks to bring them up into the lightbox for better viewing.
If you are interested in claiming a digi, please send me the name of the one image you want and let me know which section it came from. Send your request to popwinners {at} gmail {dot} com (be sure to replace at and dot with the appropriate symbols) or by clicking HERE to bring the address up in your email program, with the subject, "PoP#38-DT Delight Digi Request". I'm always running rather behind these days, so your patience is appreciated.
Additionally, each of you are entitled to the special Challenge #38 DT Delight Badge which you can find below...
Our special yearly prize package will also still be taking place. Remember, if you are chosen as a DT Delight during any of our challenges, your name will be entered into a draw for some digital goodies. You get one entry per choice; so, if two members picked your card, you will earn 2 entries, three members 3 entries, etc. The winner at the time will be notified by email. The next draw will occur sometime in the summer of 2016.
Thank you for stopping by today. As mentioned previously, we're taking the month of July off so please join us again on Monday, August 1st, when we will be back with the start of Challenge #40. We hope that you will join us then to learn what the newest theme will be. Have a great summer everyone!
thank you so much to both Katrina and Julie for choosing my card as their DT Delight. I'm glad that the card I made for my cousin and the meaning I put behind it could be felt by others. :)
congrats to the others who had cards chosen, too. they are beautiful cards!
I had sent off an email earlier for the other prize, but will get one sent here shortly for the digi. thank you. :) what a very generous offer.
thank you so much for choosing my page I loved doing it these challenges are so good I love the style of them well as I always say chill out and colour cheers Debbie
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